Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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Surfboard Flies Above The Water - YouTube

surfboard is an elongated platform used in surfing. The surf board is relatively light, but powerful enough to support someone standing on it while riding the waves of sea level waves. They are found in ancient Hawaii, where they are known as papa he'e shame in Hawaiian, they are usually made of wood from local trees, such as koa, and often more than 15 feet (5 m) in length and very heavy. Major advances over the years include the addition of one or more fins in the lower back of the board to improve direction stability, and many improvements in materials and shapes.

Modern surfboards are made of polyurethane or polystyrene foam coated with layers of fiberglass cloth, and polyester or epoxy resins. The result is a light and strong surfboard that is buoyant and maneuverable. Recent developments in surfboard technology include the use of carbon fiber and kevlar composites, as well as experiments in eco-friendly and biodegradable resins made from organic sources. Every year, about 400,000 surfboards are produced.

Video Surfboard



The surface of the board is located above the water, usually concave but sometimes convex. The bottom can also display channels and other planning features that are shaped into boards to maximize or direct the flow of water to the entire bottom surface of the board.


Modern surfboards often contain several contours at the bottom of the board, called concave . The basin has different uses and varies among different types of surfboards. Most hollows on modern short boards start about twelve inches (300 mm) back from the nose of the board at the bottom and then carry through through the center to the tail of the surfboard. The concave goal is to direct the water through the surfboard fins. The forming skates are sometimes experimenting with concave to create different drive characteristics and responses on each individual surfboard.


Some of the older and more traditional surfboards along with many modern boards that take inspiration from these older boards use a convex design rather than concave at the bottom of the surfboard. These boards move more water and sit lower on waves than surfboards with a concave base.


The Deck is the surface of the board where surfers stand. Contours such as basins (similar to a skateboard deck) or rail channel (to add structural rigidity) can also be formed onto the deck. Surfwax is applied to this surface. Candles come in different degrees of hardness allowing their application in different water temperatures.


The surfboard's fin is a stabilizer steering mounted on the back of the surfboard to prevent it from sliding to the side. In the early days, surfers will stabilize boards by hanging their hind legs on the edge of the board and will drive by putting their feet in the water. American Surfer Tom Blake was the first to experiment with adding fins to surfboards, tying the keel from an old speedboat to a surfboard in 1935. About a year or two later, Woody "Spider" Brown independently developed a similar design, but Brown himself gave Blake precedent: "(I made my first surfboard) around '36 or '37, somewhere there, around the same time, but I do not know anything about (Blake) and his experiments by adding fins to surfboards Look, we're all separated I'm in San Diego and he's in LA, far away. " This innovation revolutionized surfing, enabling surfers to steer the momentum of the board and provide more balance while spinning.

Modern surfboard fin template was developed by George Greenough in the 1960s. The single fin changed slightly to the late 70s, when one second was added and popularized by Mark Richards Australia. In October 1980, after seeing the twin fin board with the "trigger point" fins Simon Anderson had the idea for a new version, the same size, of the existing three-fin prototype dubbed "thruster". He created a prototype and 30 years later his "thruster" design is still the most popular fin design for surfboards.

In the early 90's removable fin system was developed and embraced. It provides a standard system that allows the fins to be easily moved or replaced, using a mounted screws to hold the fins in place. This system provides surfers with the ability to change the characteristics of riding a surfboard, by changing the size and shape of the fin used. This innovation opens the market for a variety of fin designs, including single foil fins, deep concave surfaces, and curved fins. Another variation of the fin is then designed in a time frame known as the fin of the soul, a bond that can be bent.

The fin tunnel was invented in 1960 by Richard Deese, and was found on longboards by several manufacturers in that era, including Dewey Weber. Bob Bolen, A.K.A. 'the Greek', patented the "Turbo Tunnel" in the late 1990s. Since the mid-1990s, half tunnel fins were primarily used on very long hollow wooden surfboards that mainly surf by Roy Stuart.

Bullet Fins was discovered in 2005 by Ron Pettibone to improve sliding hull planning and rail-to-rail transition speeds. The fins that await patents are based on 50 years of hydrodynamic research on the round hull arc design. Just like with the ship's bow, the traditional surfing fins create waves as it replaces the water in its path. The place of turbulence that occurred dragged on the surfboard. Bullet Bullets reduce this resistance by creating new (primary) fin waves in front of the original (secondary) wave. The new bulb waves are designed to be nearly 180 degrees from the phase with the original fin waves to reduce turbulence thereby reducing the drag of the fins.

The winged fins are another type of surfboard fins, which are originally designs of American Cup sailboats. The Starfin was designed in 1980 by American Cup yacht designer Ben Lexcen, who has designed a winged keel for the American Cup vessel, Australia II. Small fin fin, RedTip 3D is produced by FCS.

Fins with winglets - small wings - were created in 2005. The purpose of the winglets, as in the design of the aircraft, is to increase lift (horizontal rotating force in the case of the surfboard fins) while reducing drag, by reducing the edges of the edges.

The fins with camber have an asymmetric profile. In camber windsurfers are used to increase lift power to drag the fin ratios and to minimize cavitation and spin-out risks. In particular windsurfers are trying to increase speed records using camber fins, because maximum performance is required in one direction only. Because the camber is mounted on one side, performance when sailing in one direction is enhanced but performance in other ways worsens.

Fins with adjustable camber offer enhanced quality on both sides of the harbor and the right side of the sailboat.

Spitfire fins are based on Wing configuration used by Spitfire aircraft. The shape of elliptical wings works very well as the surfboard fins and some manufacturers make the fins with a more upright posture, as it increases drive and maneuverability.

In 2004, Frank Fish introduced the world to Whale Bumps with their Tubercle Effect. Some fin manufacturers tried to make some fins at that time, after the article was discussed at the Swaylock Design Forum. The process of crushing the mound, which is thwarted correctly, to be an existing fins is a difficult and time-consuming task. Tubercles that thwart hands can take up to 40 hours. Roy Stuart worked on wood prototypes for years before creating the first polycarbonate surfboard, 3d printed, winged in 2013.

Thrusters and Tri-fins

This tri-fin design tries to combine the sliding of the longboard and the short board performance into a single layout. The extra fins ensure that even what rides a line, two, or at least one, the vertical control surface in black water (not the unstable foam) allows the rider to have better turning ability. In Thruster, a symmetrical singular central fin, usually larger flanked by twin fins, is asymmetrical. The camber is the front and upper elbow, directing the energy of the incoming wave to lift the board and straightening it, no different from the force vectors given by the rocket nozzle geometry.


A "Quad" four fins, usually arranged as two pairs of thrusters in wing formation, are rapidly down the line but tend to lose energy through alternating. Energy is lost when the board rises waves because the fins now radiate energy from the water that is approaching to the back of the board, the velocity of the bleeding.


Made by professional surfer Sean Mattison as a rear stabilization fin. Dubbed the nubster "pick guitar" it was designed to be used as the fifth fin. The Nubster helped professional surfers Kelly Slater win the contest in New York and Portugal in 2011.


Board of surfboard or foot strap is a rope that attach a surfboard to the surfer. This prevents surfboards from being swept away by the waves and stops surfboards that break out of hitting surfers and other swimmers. The modern dog necklace consists of a urethane strap where one end has a ribbon with a velcro strap attached to the rear foot of the surfer, and instead has a velcro strap attached to the tail end of the surfboard.

Before the introduction of the dogs' necklaces in 1971, surfers who had fallen from their boards had to swim to take them off with a breakout board to be inconvenience to surfers and dangers to other surfers. The Santa Cruz Pat O'Neill population is credited with popularizing the surfing ropes. The design initially consists of a surgical rope attached to the board with a suction cup. In the international surfing competition Malibu 1971, Pat offers a dog necklace to its competitors at the event. As a result, he was disqualified from the show for wearing the straps, dubbed kook cord by them at the event. However, during the next year, the rope becomes a tool that is spread everywhere in the world of surfing.

Jack O'Neill lost his left eye in a waves crash because the surgical pipe used in the initial design allowed the strap to stretch excessively, causing the surfboard to fly back toward the surfer. The next strap is made with less elastic materials such as bungee straps.

In the end, urethane is the material of choice for a leash. The patented urethane design by David Hattrick (Australian Patent 505,451 issued 5 September 1977). However, he built a prototype in 1972 while surfing an isolated surf break called Cactus in the Great Australian Bight. Necessity is the mother of invention as one of the largest breeding ground for white pointer sharks nearby. He then settled on the Margaret River area in Western Australia initially making this design foot strap for surfing friends. Then in the 1970s, he set up surfing products on Pipe Line and developed a patented design. This design also won the Australian Design Award in 1979.

Dog necklaces are still the source of some of the current surfing disputes, though they are now accepted as mandatory equipment for shortboards, many longboarders refuse to wear them, claiming it interferes with their ability to walk up and down the board. In crowded surf spots with big waves, it can be said that the freedom to not wear a rope is secondary to the safety of others.

Leash cup

Also known as the "rope plug", is a groove on the board deck near the tail containing a small metal rod that can be attached to a short strap to attach the rope.


The front end of the board. It can be spiky or round and can be made with a steep climb ("rocker", see below) or a soft one.


The tail shape affects the way the board responds. The tail shape varies from square, pin, pumpkin, swallow, diamond, and so on - each having its own family with a smaller variant. The tail pins cause the board to move faster in the water, while the hip tail is made to help balance over speed.

Traction Pad

Surfboard traction bearings, grip decks, tailpads. There are several names for this foam that are applied at the top of the surfboard to increase the grip and allow surfers to have more control and perform high performance maneuvers. Traction bearings are used on both whiteboards and long boards, usually applied to the tail area of ​​the surfboard. There are several brands of surfboard traction bearings in the market, but the most popular brands include; Dakine, Pro-Lite, WaxMat, Cush, OAM and Famous.


Edges of the board. The circular rails are called "soft", while the denser rails are called "hard", and the existing rails are called "50/50" ("fifty fifty"). Larger and fuller rails contain larger foam volumes thereby increasing the buoyancy along the edges, while narrower and narrower rails have less volume, making the boards easier to "sink" and "lean on edge". On the way, one rail is always in the water while the other is suspended freely in the air. Turn is largely a matter of transition from rail to tail and to contralateral rail (opposite).


This refers to the vertical curve of the board between the nose and the tail. Rockers can be described as heavy (steep steep) or relaxed (less curved) and can be continuous (single curve between the tip of the nose and the tail end) or staged (different flat parts in the center of the board). The rocker nose or flip is the curve between the front end and the center or the flatest part of the board, and the rocker tail or kick is between the tail and the middle/flat. Improved flip helps keep the board from "pearling"; Larger boards often require larger flip. Larger kicks add maneuverability and lift to tail at speed and provide tail sensitivity at critical corners. A more relaxed rocker helps the board to handle better on the flatter part of the water, while the heavy rocker increases the overall shape of the board, but also gives a true lift when it reaches the plan speed and has a smaller turn radius.

Rail and deck boards can also be called having a rocker. A board with a v-shaped tail, for example, has the lower/rear portion of the rear rails reduced, increasing the tail rail tracker. Having a flat deck rocker, even a deck will increase board flexibility, while a convex deck rocker creates thicker boards along the stringer board and stiffens in the water.


In the design of the board, "stringer" is the field of central reflection of the board, in the middle of the deck and its hull. In construction, the offender can not have a special part, or can install a rigid, thin, vertical slat, usually of wood but sometimes of carbon fiber, running from the nose to the tail. Stringer serves to increase the overall strength of the board and reduce its flexibility. Some boards have some stringer.

Maps Surfboard


To achieve positive buoyancy and rigid decks, the shaper always grabs the foam, often hardened with tensile skin, using the Toucan beak engineering concept.

Polyurethane (P.U.)

Surfboards have traditionally been built using polyurethane foams and remain a popular choice. They are made stronger with one or more strings down in the center of the board. The foam is printed to be "empty", in rough surfboards. Once empty they have been given to the shaper. The shaper then cuts, flies, and sandpaper the board according to its specifications. Finally, the board is covered in one or more layers of fabric and fiberglass resin. During this stage the fin or box for the fins can be removed and the plug attached to the rope. Another method for making boards is to use epoxy resins and foam prolits of polystyrene instead of polyester resins and polyurethane foams. In recent years, surfboards made of balsa and polystyrene core are becoming more popular. Even solid balsa surfboards are also available.

Although foam boards are usually shaped by hand, the use of machines to shape them has become increasingly popular. Vacuum and modern sandwich construction techniques borrowed from other industries have also become common. Many surfers are turning to sandwich-construction epoxy boards that have become very popular among beginners surfers as they provide long-lasting and inexpensive entry-level boards.

Balsa Board

The history of surfboard Ochroma pyramidale wood originated from Hawaii, and landing led wood surfing on the US west coast in the 1940s. Being light and strong, balsa wood has long been regarded as the perfect material for surfboards. Shapers were unable to use this fragile wood to make the whole surfboard until after World War II, when fiberglass skin was found.

Balsa wooden boards are lighter, lighter and easier to handle than other boards. This board has some disadvantages, however: they are not as solid as solid redwood boards.

Hollow wooden board

Hollow wooden surfboards are made of wood and epoxy or oil (as a sustainable alternative to epoxy), and are a reversal for using wood after the foams became dominant in the 1950s. Special hollow wooden surfboards have no foam in their construction. (Boards made with foam and wood are commonly known as compsands or veneer boards.) Various construction methods are used to clear the inside of surfboards and lighten the heavy loads. Generally, hollow wooden surfboards are 30% to 300% heavier than foam sheaths and standard surfboards. The main inspiration, apart from the beauty, is that it is a more environmentally friendly construction method (compared to epoxy and polyurethane methods) using fast-growing plantations such as paulownia, cedar, spruce, redwood, and, of course, balsa.

The current construction method is derived from the 1930's Tom Blake paddleboarding method, which prefers central gauges with individual-shaped crossbones covered with leather and rails. The modern interpretation of Tom Blake's work is a stringer perimeter method used by some manufacturers, utilizing a laminated rail as a string connected with a series of ribs of plywood. The skeleton is then coated with a 5 mm thick piece of wood, creating a fast hollow board with good bending properties.

The parallel profile system is developed from the building of a cold molded (double diagonal) vessel, and uses at least four layers of laminated material on a male mold into an empty arch, including enough wood for the rail, which is then formed.

The chambering method follows the system in which the paulownia wooden board is selected and the board rockers cut into each. The boards are then framed to reduce the weight, and then bonded together to form an empty hole or "cubicle".

CUSH - skinny surfboard

One of the latest modern advances in surfboard technology is the manufacture of high-performance boards wrapped in soft, elastic skin that does not absorb water. The internal structure of the Cush board (bearing) is an epoxy surfboard with an EPS-shaped foam core (polystyrene extrusion). "Leather", made of gloss-coated foam, is stretched and held while being emptied on the entire surface of the epoxy surfboard. The purpose of the cush is to muffle the chat, absorption of impact landing, airs, grip, and additional protection overall for lightweight epoxy boards. Jim Richardson, a 25-year veteran builder on North Shore of Oahu, first pioneered this technology in the mid-1990s. And recently several companies including Spacestick, Radiowake and CUSH (brand) have begun to market advances to the surfing community. The surfboard damper is the current manufacturer for various brands by 2018.

Composite Sandwich Construction

Types of composite board construction Composite became popular among garage builders and later, major manufacturers, during the 1990s and 2000s. This construction method requires hand or machine-forming an empty foam of EPS foam and then vacuum-pocketing or hand-laminating a more solid, wood, or carbon foam layer to the bottom and deck of the EPS foam core, typically separating the two layers with lightweight fiberglass cloth (2 oz) or other composite fabrics. It can also be accompanied by parabolic rails made of balsa or other driftwood, carbon, or other high density materials. This blank construction is then laminated with epoxy resin and fiberglass or other composite fabric such as other surfboards, by hand or through a vacuum bag.

The construction is referred to as a sandwich because it consists of a top leather, fiberglass or other composite fabric, EPS core, fiberglass or other composite fabric, and a bottom shell, a cross section that looks like a sandwich with different layers.. Firewire Surfboards pioneered this technology for the mass-produced surfboard market from 2006.

Bing Sun Fish Surfboard - Orange Tint - 5'6

Board types and variations


Since the late 1960s when Gordon Clark discovered the optimal formulation of urethane foam, many of the commonly used surfboards were from short boards between 6 feet and 7 feet long with pointed noses and round or square tails, usually with three "skegs" (fins ) but sometimes with two or as many as five. Surfers generally find quick shortboards for maneuvering compared to other types of surfboards, but due to lack of flotation due to smaller size, short boards are harder to catch with waves, often requiring steeper, bigger and stronger waves and take off very late, in which the surfer catches the wave at a critical moment before it is damaged.

A Bonzer is a surfboard designed by Campbell Brothers that can have three or five fins and interspersed with large central fins and 2-4 smaller fin sides (bite sides). This, combined with the deep double concave channels creates different boards. Manufacturers have shown that these channels create controlled and versial characteristics using venturi effects that guide water from the board surface through a narrow section.


Modern hybrid boards usually have a length of 6 feet to 8 feet 6 inches (1.8-2.3 m) with a more rounded profile and tail shape. Hybrid boards are usually used in smaller waves and can have fin finishes. They prefer to have fun rather than high performance or tricks. They can be easier to ride to start surfers and generally perform well in surfing conditions where more traditional long and short boards may not.


Usually short short boards under 6 feet (1.8 m) in length were developed from kneeboards in 1967 by Steve Lis. Other prominent fish makers include Skip Frye, Larry Mabile and Steve Brom. Especially the twin fins formed with the shape of a swallow tail and popular in smaller waves, the fish enjoyed a revival of popularity in the early 2000s after legendary surfer Tom Curren rose one during the ASP show at Hossegor. Note, all types of boards (such as short boards or mini longboards) can have fish tails, and these are usually referred to as "fish", but they have no other properties than traditional fish, or "retro" fish as described here.


The game board incorporates elements of both whiteboards and long boards and is generally medium, typically 7 to 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 m). The funboard design allows the waves to be captured more easily than the short board, but with a shape that makes it more maneuverable than a long board; then it is a popular type of surfboard, especially among beginners or who transition from longboarding to more difficult shortboarding. This is considered a good combination of longboard speed and maneuverability of a shortboard.


Large waves with a length of 7 to 12 feet (2.1 to 3.7 m) are considered weapons . It has a thin needle-like profile with a single fin, quad, or thruster. It has a shortboard look but on the longboard size. Weapons are often used in large wave locations such as Waimea Bay, Jaws (Hawaii), and Mavericks.


Its main longboard is a single-finned surfboard with a large round nose and a length of 9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.7 m). Noseriders are a long board class that allows riders to walk to the tip and nose up. It is also called "Mals", a shortened form of "Malibu boards". They range from 9 to 14 feet (2.7 to 4.3 m) in length, or 3 feet (0.91 m) taller than the overall rider length. The advantage of the longboard is its buoyancy and its large surface allows surfers to ride waves that are generally considered too small to move the short board. Longboards are more suitable for beginners due to board size and ease of catching waves. In the right conditions, an expert surfer can ride a wave standing on the longboard nose with their toes above the edge of the nose: in this way, with the "toes in the nose", the surfer can "hang ten". Compared to shortboards, longboards are much easier to learn because they are able to achieve stability, thus making the transition quite difficult.

Classic Longboard

Longboards are the original and very original board type used in standup surfing. Since the sixth century AD, ancient Hawaiians used solid wooden boards measuring 9 to 30 feet (2.7 to 9.1 m) when practicing the ancient art of Hoe he'e shy. Surfing was brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesia and has since become popular all over the world. The ancient board is carved and made of solid wood, reaching a length of 10 to 14 feet (3.0 to 4.3 m) long and weighing as much as 150 pounds (68 kg). Both men and women, nobles and ordinary people surfing. But the longest of the boards (Olo) provided to the nobility. During the 19th century, some extreme western missionaries actively discouraged surfing, seeing it as sin. Surfing is almost dead. Lately replicas have been made from Olo's and alaia by experienced surfers and hunters who want to explore the roots of the sport.

At the beginning of the 20th century, only a handful of people surfed, mostly in Waikiki. But there, it started growing again. Beginning in 1912, Duke Kahanamoku, a Hawaiian Hawaiian swimmer in the early 1900s, brought surfing to the mainland of the United States and Australia. Due to this, the Duke is considered the "Father of Modern Surf". Since then, surfing has become an integral part of California's coastal lifestyle. In Malibu (in Los Angeles area), this beach is very popular among early surfers who lend their name to the long board type, Malibu Surfboard. In the 1920s boards made of plywood or boards called Hollowboards began to be used. It is typically 15 to 20 feet long (4.6 to 6.1 m) and very light. During the 1950s, surfing trends skyrocketed dramatically as it gained huge amounts of popularity as a sport. The design and materials of longboards in the 1950s changed from using solid wood to balsa wood. The length of the board still remains an average of 10.5 feet, and then becomes widely produced.

It was not until the late 1950s and early 1960s when the design of surfboards had evolved well into today's modern longboards. The introduction of polyurethane and fiberglass foams is a technological leap in design. In the 1960s, the longboard continued to remain popular because the material changed from balsa wood to fiberglass and polyurethane foam. In the 1960s, the introduction of short boards, an average of 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m), allowed surfers to make faster turns, faster maneuvers, and reach faster speeds, thus radically changing the way people- people surfing. This "shortboard revolution" almost makes longboards obsolete for all practical purposes. But in the early 1990s, the longboard returned, integrating a number of design features found during the shortboard revolution. Surfers rediscover elegance and serenity - "glide" - from long boards, and the pleasures of classic maneuvers that are unlikely to happen on short boards. In some circles the battle between longboards and shortboards continues. But many surfers live with the philosophy of discovering the joy of surfing in a blend of boards and surfing style to fit the waves of the day.

Modern longboards

The modern longboard has undergone many changes since previous models in the past. Longboard today is much lighter than its predecessor. Polyurethane foams and fiberglass designs allow less resistance to waves. Today's longboards are usually 8 to 10 feet (2.4-3.0 m) in length, although some boards up to 12 feet (3.7 m) in length. In addition, there is a rise-based surf rise oars with boards up to 14 feet (4.3 m) in length (for stability). The classic single fin finish maintains many of its classic designs including one fin, weight, and substantial buoyancy. Longboard with one fin allows the board to rotate to stay within the wave arch. Due to recent technological advances, the longboard has expanded its family into different variations of the classical longboard.

The 2 1

The 2 1 longboard is the most versatile board of the longboard family, offering greater maneuverability. Sometimes referred to as the "single fins with training wheels", the 2nd fins actually take on features of the classic longboards and the Tri-fin. The fins of 2 1 take the stiff stability of the classic longboard, and blend with the strength and encouragement of Tri-fin.

Mini Tanker

Mini tankers are essentially short longboard shapes that use the same longboard design elements and improved maneuverability due to their shorter shapes. These boards are usually driven by women and children who provide smaller individuals with more control than the traditional 9 foot skates.

The Malibu

Named after Malibu, California, this cheerful longboard shape is slightly narrower than most, with the nose and tail section slightly attracted to the extra maneuverability at Malibu's famous right-hand resting point. This classic form has been ridden and praised by experienced surfers for its maneuverability and performance. The classic tricks that can be performed in Malibu are "Hang Fives" and "Hang tens" where the surfer goes to the nose of the board and hangs 5 ​​or 10 fingers above the nose, "soul arches", knee-deep, dips head, switch attitude maneuvers, and etc.


Originally provided for Hawaiian royalty due to its size and weight, this wooden plank can exceed 24 feet (7.3 m) and weighs up to  £ 200 (91 kg).


Traditional wooden surfboards without fins, usually driven by ancient indigenous Hawaiians. The surf board usually runs 17 feet (5.2 m) 200 pounds (91 kg)

But modern Alaias can be much thinner. Many are only 3/4 inches and can be as short as 6 feet (1.8 m). The wood commonly used in construction today is paulownia, cedar, and other woods suitable for saltwater. The tail comes in a different style. The board is very difficult to drive.


The first surf board standing in Australia by Duke Kahanamoku and Isabel Letham is a large long board with enough volume to support two people.

Hydrofoil Surfboards Let You Fly Above Water | Travel + Leisure

See also

  • Longboarding
  • Surf culture
  • The skateboard
  • Windsurfing

Firewire Almond Butter Surfboard (Timbertek)


These Special Surfboard Fins Protect the Shark, Not the Surfer, in ...

External links

  • List of surfboards, categorized by design
  • Surfboard at A History of Central Florida Podcast

Source of the article : Wikipedia
