Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

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Opinion: Veganism may not be the enemy of dairy farmers ...

Veganism is the practice of abstinence from the use of animal products, especially in diets, and related philosophy that reject the status of animal commodities. Followers of diet or philosophy are known as vegan . Distinctions are sometimes made between several categories of veganism. Vegetarian diet (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances. The term "vegan ethical is often applied to those who not only follow the vegan diet but extend the philosophy to other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is environmental veganism , which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that animal industry farms are environmentally destructive and unsustainable.

A well-planned vegan diet can reduce the risk of some types of chronic diseases, including heart disease. They are considered appropriate for all stages of life including during infancy and pregnancy by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the British Dietetic Association. The German Society for Nutrition does not recommend a vegan diet for children, adolescents or during pregnancy and breast-feeding. The vegan diet tends to be higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and phytochemicals; and lower in food energy, saturated fat, cholesterol, long chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B 12 . Unbalanced vegan food can lead to nutritional deficiencies that undo profitable effects and can cause serious health problems. Some of these deficiencies can only be prevented through the choice of fortified foods or the usual intake of dietary supplements. Supplementation of vitamin B 12 is very important because its deficiency causes blood disorders and irreversible neurological damage.

Donald Watson coined the term vegan in 1944 when he founded the Vegan Society in England. At first he used it to mean "vegetarian non-dairy", but since 1951 the Society has defined it as "the doctrine that man must live without exploiting animals". Interest in veganism increased in 2010, especially in the second half. More and more vegan stores are open and vegan options are increasingly available in supermarkets and restaurants in many countries.

Video Veganism


Strict vegetation

The origin of the English term vegetarian is unknown. The earliest use was attributed to actress Fanny Kemble, writing around 1839 in Georgia in the United States. This practice can be traced to the Indus Valley Civilization at 3300-1300 BC in the Indian subcontinent, Archaeological evidence indicates that the religion was followed, somewhat evolved, 5000 to 8000 years ago among the Indus Valley civilization people, who live in the present geographical area in Pakistan. Even within the vegetarian regime, strict dietary rules are set that limit even the use of many plant-based products. This makes the practice of vegetarianism at least 8,000 years old, if not older, and a scientifically well-manifested way of life. Early vegetarians include Indian philosophers such as Mahavira and Acharya Kundakunda, poet Tamil Valluvar, Indian emperor Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka; Greek philosophers such as Empedocles, Theophrastus, Plutarch, Plotinus, and Porphyry; and the Roman poet Ovid and playwright Seneca the Younger. The Greek sage Pythagoras might advocate a strict form of vegetarianism, but his life is so vague that it is debatable whether he ever advocated any form of vegetarianism at all. He almost certainly forbids his followers eating peanuts and wearing woolen clothes. Eudoxus of Cnidus, a student of Archytas and Plato, wrote that "Pythagoras is distinguished by such purity and therefore avoids murder and murderers so that he not only distance himself from animal foods, but even keep his distance from cooks and hunters". One of the earliest known vegans was the Arabic poet al-Ma'und (c. 973 Ã, - c. 1057 ). Their argument is based on health, transmigration of the soul, animal welfare, and outlook - supported by Porphyry in De Abstinentia ab Esu Animalium ("On Abstinence from Animal Food", c. 268 Ã, - c. 270 ) - -that if humans deserve justice, then so do animals.

Vegetarism proved itself as a significant movement in 19th century England and the United States. A small percentage of vegetarians avoid animal foods completely. In 1813, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley published a Natural Diet justification, advocating "abstinence from animal food and hard liquor", and in 1815 William Lambe, a London doctor, claimed that "the water diet and its nobility" healing anything from tuberculosis to acne.Lambe calls animal food a "habitual disorder", and argues that "eating milk and eating meat is just a branch of the common system, and they must stand or fall together." Graham Sylvester Graham's meatless diet - mostly home made fruits, vegetables, water and bread with stoneground flour - became popular as a health medicine in the 1830s in the United States Some vegan communities were founded around this time In Massachusetts, Amos Bronson Alcott, father of novelist Louisa May Alcott, opened the Temple School in 1834 and Fruitlands in 1844, and in England James Pierrepont Greaves founded Concordium, a community s vegan at Alcott House on Ham Common, in 1838.

Vegetarian Society

In 1843, members of Alcott House created the British Society and Foreigners for the Promotion of Humanity and the Prohibition of Animal Food, led by Sophia Chichester, a wealthy benefactor of Alcott House. Alcott House also helped establish the British Vegetarian Society, which held its first meeting in 1847 in Ramsgate, Kent. The Medical Times and Gazette in London reported in 1884:

There are two types of Vegetarian - an extreme form, whose members do not eat any animal food; and a less extreme sect, which does not object to eggs, milk, or fish. The Vegetarian Society... belongs to a more moderate division.

An article in Society magazine, Vegetarian Messenger, in 1851 discusses alternatives to shoe leather, which shows the presence of vegans in membership that refuse the full use of animals, not just in the diet. In 1886 Henry S. Salt's publication A Plea for Vegetarianism and Other Essays, he asserted that, "It is true that most - not all - Food Reformers recognize into their diet foods such as foods such as milk, butter, cheese and eggs... "The first known vegan cookbook, Rupert H. Wheldon Without Animal Food: Two Essays and 100 Recipes , was published in London in 1910. Consumption of milk and eggs became the battlefield over the next few decades. There is a regular discussion about it in Vegetarian Messenger ; this comes from the correspondence page that many opponents of veganism come from vegetarianism.

During a visit to London in 1931, Mahatma Gandhi - who had joined the Executive Committee of the Vegetarian Society when he lived in London from 1888 to 1891 - gave a speech to the Society on the grounds that he should promote a meatless diet as a matter of morality, not health. Lacto-vegetarians recognize the ethical consistency of the vegan position but consider the vegan diet impractical and worry that it may be an obstacle to spreading vegetarianism if vegans find themselves unable to participate in social circles where no animal-free food is available. This became the dominant view of the Vegetarian Society, which in 1935 declared: "The lacto-vegetarians, as a whole, do not defend the practice of consuming dairy products except on the basis of wisdom."

Integrating the term vegan (1944)

In August 1944, some members of the Vegetarian Society requested that part of the bulletin be devoted to non-dairy vegetarianism. When the request was denied, Donald Watson, secretary of the Leicester branch, made a new quarterly bulletin in November 1944, at a high price. He calls it The Vegan News . He chose the word vegan himself, based on "the first three letters and the last two of the 'vegetarian ' " for being marked, in the words of Mr. Watson, "vegetarian beginning and end" but ask their readers if they can think of anything better than vegan to defend "non-culinary vegetarianism". They suggest allvega , neo-vegetarian , dairyban , vitan , benevore , < i> sanivores , and beaumangeur .

The first edition attracted over 100 letters, including from George Bernard Shaw, who decided to hand over eggs and milk. The new Vegan Society held its first meeting in early November at the Attic Club, 144 High Holborn, London. Those present were Donald Watson, Elsie B. Shrigley, Fay K. Henderson, Alfred Hy Haffenden, Paul Spencer and Bernard Drake, with Mme Pataleewa (Barbara Moore, a Russian-English engineer) observing. World Vegan Day is held every November 1 to mark the founding of Society and November is considered by the Society as the World Vegan Month.

The Vegan News changed its name to The Vegan in November 1945, when there were 500 subscribers. It publishes recipes and "vegan trade list" of animal-free products, such as Colgate toothpaste, Kiwi shoe polish, Dawson & amp; Owen stationery and glue Gloy. Vegan books appeared, including Vegan Recipe by Fay K. Henderson and Aid for the Vegan Diet for Children by Kathleen V. Mayo.

The Vegan Society immediately explained that it rejected the use of animals for any purpose, not just in food. In 1947 Watson wrote: "The vegans declare it superstition that human life depends on the exploitation of these creatures whose feelings are almost the same as ours...". From 1948 The Vegan ''s front page reads: "Advocating life without exploitation", and in 1951 the Society published the definition of veganism as "the doctrine that humans should live without exploiting animals. "In 1956, his vice president, Leslie Cross, founded the Plantmilk Association; and in 1965, as Plantmilk Ltd and then Plamil Foods, it began the production of one of the first soy milk distributed widely in the Western world.

The first vegan community in the United States was founded in 1948 by Catherine Nimmo and Rubin Abramowitz in California, who distributed Watson's bulletin. In 1960, H. Jay Dinshah founded the American Vegan Society (AVS), linking veganism with the concept of ahimsa , "not hurt" in Sanskrit. According to Joanne Stepaniak, the word vegan was first published independently in 1962 by the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, defined as "a vegetarian who does not eat butter, eggs, cheese, or milk. ".

Maps Veganism

Increased interest

Alternative food movement

In the 1960s and 1970s, the vegetarian food movement emerged as part of a counter-culture in the United States focusing on concerns about diet, environment, and mistrust of food producers, leading to increased organic gardening interest. One of the most influential vegetarian books of the time was the text of Frances Moore LappÃÆ'Â © 1971, Diet for a Small Planet . It sold over three million copies and suggested "getting off the top of the food chain".

The next decade saw research by a group of scientists and doctors in the United States, including doctors Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn, Neal D. Barnard, John A. McDougall, Michael Greger, and biochemist T. Colin Campbell, who argued that diet based on animal fats and animal protein, such as Western pattern patterns, are detrimental to health. They produced a series of books that recommend a vegan or vegetarian diet, including McDougall's The McDougall Plan (1983), John Robbins's Diet for New America (1987), which associates meat eating with damage environment, and Dr. Dean Ornish's Program to Reverse Heart Disease (1990). In 2003 two major North American nutrition associations indicated that a planned vegan diet was suitable for all stages of life. This was followed by the film Earthlings (2005), Campbell The China Study (2005), Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin Skinny Bitch (2005), Jonathan Safran Foer Eating Animals (2009), and the film Forks over Knives (2011).

In the 1980s, veganism became associated with the subculture and punk ideology, especially the straight edge, hardline, and hardcore punk in the United States; and anarcho-punk in England. This association continues into the 21st century, as demonstrated by the excellence of vegan punk events like Fluff Fest in Europe.

Go to mainstream (2010s)

The vegan diet became more common in 2010, especially in the second half. The European Parliament defines the meaning of vegan for food labels in 2010, effective from 2015. The restaurant chain began marking vegan items on their menu and the supermarket boosted the vegan food choices they processed. An English Wikipedia article on veganism is viewed 73,000 times in August 2009 but 145,000 times in August 2013. Articles on veganism were seen more during this period than articles on vegetarianism in English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish Wikipedia. In 2016, Google's search for "vegan" increased by 90%, up from a 32% increase the previous year.

The global mock-meats market increased by eighteen percent between 2005 and 2010, and in the United States by eight percent between 2012 and 2015, to $ 553 million per year. The Vegetarian Butcher De Vegetarische Slager ), the first known vegetarian butchery selling artificial meat, opened in the Netherlands on in 2010, while the first vegan butcher in America, Herbivorous Butcher, opened in Minneapolis in 2016. By 2016, forty-nine percent of Americans drink cow's milk, although 91 percent still drink milk. In the UK, the dairy market increased 155 percent in two years, from 36 million liters in 2011 to 92 million in 2013. The country has seen a 185% increase in new vegan products between 2012 and 2016. In 2011, the first vegan supermarket appeared in Germany : Vegilicious in Dortmund and Veganz in Berlin.

Veganism has increased in popularity in Hong Kong and China, as well, especially among the millennials. China's vegan market is expected to increase by more than 17 percent between 2015 and 2020, which is expected to be "the fastest international growth rate of that period". This exceeded projected growth in the second and third fastest growing international veg markets internationally in the same period, United Arab Emirates (10.6%) and Australia (9.6%) respectively. In total, by 2016, the largest share of global vegan consumers is currently in Asia Pacific with 9 percent of people following the vegan diet.

Facing the image of self-deficiency projected by the vegan's straight edge and animal rights activists, veganism is promoted as glamorous; by 2015, Yahoo! editor The food states that it has become "something". Celebrities, athletes, and politicians adopt the vegan diet - some serious, part-time. The idea of ​​a "flexi-vegan" currency earned: New York Times food columnist Mark Bittman, at VB6 (2013), recommends eating vegan food until 6pm. In 2013, the Oktoberfest in Munich - traditionally a meat-heavy affair - offers vegan dishes for the first time in 200 years of history.

Critics of veganism question the evolutionary legitimacy and health effects of the vegan diet, and show a long-standing philosophical tradition that states that humans are superior to other animals. Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain wrote in 2000 that "[v] egetarians, and the Hezbollah-like splinter faction, vegan, are a constant irritation for every worthy chef." Some vegetarian writers argue that limiting the vegan lifestyle is impractical, and that vegetarianism is a better goal.


Veganism by country

  • Australia : Australians topped Google worldwide search for the word "vegan" between mid 2015 and mid 2016. A Euromonitor International study concludes the market for vegan food packaged in Australia will increase by 9.6% per year between 2015 and 2020, making Australia the third fastest growing vegan market behind China and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Ã, Austria : In 2013, Kurier estimated that 0.5 percent of Austrians practice veganism, and in the capital, Vienna, 0 , 7 percent.
  • Ã, Belgium : An online study of iVOX 2016 found that of the 1,000 Dutch-speaking population in Flanders and Brussels aged 18 or over, 0.3 percent are vegan./li>
  • Ã, Germany : Starting 2016, the data estimate that people following the vegan diet in Germany vary between 0.1% and 1% of the population (between 81,000 and 810,000 person ).
  • India : In the 2005-06 National Health Survey, 1.6% of the surveyed population reported never consuming animal products. Veganism is the most common in Gujarat state (4.9%) and Maharashtra (4.0%).
  • Israel : Five percent (about 300,000) in Israel say they are vegan by 2014, making it the highest per capita vegan population in the world. The 2015 survey by Globes and Channel 2 News Israel also found 5% of Israelis vegan. Veganism is increasing among Arab Israelis. The Israeli army made a special supply to the vegan army by 2015, which included providing non-leather shoes and wool-free berets.
  • Ã, Italy : Between 0.6 and 3 percent of Italians are reported to be vegan by 2015.
  • Ã, Dutch : In 2014, the Dutch Society for Veganism ( Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganism ) estimates there are 45,000 Dutch vegans (0.27 percent), based on the growth of their membership.
  • Ã, Swedish : Four percent say they are vegan in a Demoscopic poll in 2014.
  • Swiss : The Vegan Swiss Society ( Vegane Gesellschaft Schweiz ) estimated in 2016 that one percent of the population is vegan.
  • United Kingdom : In the UK, where the market knows and maket valued at £ 786.5 million in 2012, two per cent say they are vegan in the 2007 Government Survey. Ipsos Study MORI 2016 commissioned by the Vegan Society, which surveyed nearly 10,000 people aged 15 or over across the UK, Scotland, and Wales, found that 1.05 percent is vegan; The Vegan Society estimates that 542,000 in the UK follow a vegan diet. According to a 2018 survey by, the number of people identifying as vegan in the UK has risen to over 3.5 million, which is about seven percent of the population, and environmental issues are a major factor in this development./li>
  • United States : The vegan forecast in the U.S. varies from 2% (Gallup, 2012) to 0.5% (Faunalytics, 2014). According to the latter, 70% of those adopting the vegan diet abandoned it. Top Trends in Ready to Serve Food 2017, a report by Research and Markets, estimates that "6% of US consumers now claim to be vegans, up from just 1% in 2014."

What Vegan Diet Is Like: Benefits and Downsides of Veganism ...

Animal products


Vegans do not eat beef, pork, poultry, poultry, game, animal seafood, eggs, dairy products, or any other animal products. Vegetarian diets may use animal products in clothing (such as leather, wool, and silk), toiletries, and the like. The ethics of veganism involves not only food but also the use or use of animal products, and rejects the commodification of animals altogether. The British Vegan Society will declare a product only if it is free from animal involvement as far as possible and practicable, including animal testing, but "recognizes that it is not always possible to make choices that avoid the use of animals".

Important concern is the case of drugs, which are routinely tested on animals to ensure they are effective and safe, and may also contain animal ingredients, such as lactose, gelatin, or stearate. There may be no alternative to prescribed medications or these alternatives may be unsuitable, less effective, or have worse side effects. Experiments with laboratory animals are also used to evaluate the safety of vaccines, food additives, cosmetics, household products, workplace chemicals, and many other substances.

Philosopher Gary Steiner argues that it is impossible to become fully vegan, as the use and products of animals "are deeply and subtly woven into the fabric of human society." Commonly used animal products include albumen, allantoin, beeswax, blood, bone char, bone china, carmine, casein, castoreum, cochineal, elastin, emu oil, gelatin, honey, isinglass, keratin, lactic acid, lanolin, fat pig, rennet, retinol, lacquers, squalene, fat (including sodium tallowate), whey, and yellow fat. Some of these are chemical compounds that can come from animal, plant, or petrochemical products. Allantoin, lactic acid, retinol, and squalene, for example, can become vegan. These products and their origin are not always included in the list of ingredients.

Some vegans will not buy wool jumper, silk scarves, leather shoes, goose or duck feather blankets, pearl jewelry, clamshell, ordinary soap (usually made from animal fat), or cosmetics containing animal products. They avoid certain vaccines; flu vaccines, for example, usually grow in eggs, although an effective alternative, Flublok, is widely available in the United States. Non-vegan items acquired prior to being vegan may be donated to charity or used until obsolete. Some vegan clothing, especially leather, is made of oil-based products, which has sparked criticism for the environmental damage involved in their production.

Eggs, dairy products, honey, silk

The main difference between vegan and vegetarian diets is that vegans exclude dairy products. Ethical vegans avoid it on the grounds that their production causes animal suffering and premature death. In egg production, most roosters are destroyed because they do not lay eggs. To get milk from dairy cows, cows are made pregnant to induce lactation; they continue to breastfeed for three to seven years, then slaughtered. Female females are separated from their mothers within 24 hours after birth, and fed a substitute milk to maintain cow's milk for human consumption. The bulls are slaughtered at birth, sent for beef production, or raised for beef.

The vegan group disagrees on insect products. Both the Vegan Society and the American Vegan Society do not consider honey, silk and other insect products suitable for vegans, Insect products can be defined much more broadly, because commercial bees are used to pollinate about 100 different food crops, including almonds, avocados, broccoli, cucumbers, peaches, pears, sunflowers, and tomatoes.

Pet food

Due to the environmental impact of meat-based meat and the ethical issues it raises on vegans, some vegans are expanding their philosophy to include a pet diet. This is especially true for pet cats and dogs, where vegan animal food is available and complete with nutrients, such as Vegepet. However, this practice has been met with caution and criticism, especially against the vegan cat diet because the felid becomes a carnivorous duty. Furthermore, although a complete nutritional vegan diet is comparable to those based on meat for cats and dogs, in August 2015, many commercial vegan animal food brands did not meet the regulations of the American Animal Feed (AAFCO) Association for Nutrition Adequacy.

Messy Cooking, Always Vegan: I am Vegan But Veganism is Arbitrary ...

vegan diet

Vegan cooking at Wikibook Cookbooks


The vegan diet is based on grains and other grains, nuts (especially nuts), fruits, vegetables, edible mushrooms, and nuts. Meatless products based on soy (tofu), or wheat sittans are a source of vegetable protein, generally in the form of vegetarian sausages, chopped, and vegan burgers.

Plates based on soybeans are a vegan staple food because soy is a complete protein; this means they contain all the essential amino acids for humans and are fully reliable for protein intake. They are most often consumed in the form of soy milk and tofu (bean curd), namely soy milk mixed with coagulant. Tofu comes in a variety of textures, depending on the water content, from strong, medium and extra companies to stew and sate potatoes to soft or silk for salad, dessert, and shake. Soy is also eaten in the form of tempeh and textured vegetable protein (TVP); also known as textured soy protein (TSP), the latter is often used in pasta sauces.

Milk, cheese, mayonnaise

Plant milk - such as soy milk, almond milk, whole wheat milk (wheat milk and rice milk), hemp milk, and coconut milk - are used instead of cow's milk or goats. Soy milk provides about 7 grams of protein per cup (240 mL or 8 liters), compared with 8 grams of protein per cup of cow's milk. Almond milk is lower in energy foods, carbohydrates, and proteins. Soy milk should not be used as a substitute for breast milk for infants. Infants who are not breastfed may be fed commercial infant formula, usually based on cow's milk or soy. The latter is known as soy-based baby formula or SBIF.

Butter and margarine can be replaced with alternative vegan products. Vegan cheese made from seeds, such as sesame and sunflower; nuts, such as cashew nuts, pine nuts, and almonds; and soybeans, coconut oil, nutritional yeast, tapioca, and rice, among other ingredients; and can replicate melting of milk cheese. Yeast nutrition is a common substitute for cheese flavor in vegan recipes. Cheese substitutes can be made at home, including from nuts, such as cashews.

Egg substitute

Commercial egg substitutes are available for cooking and grilling. Protein in the egg thickens when heated and binds other ingredients together. For pancakes, a tablespoon of baking powder can be used instead of eggs. Tofu soft (soft) and mashed potatoes can also be used. Aquafaba from beans can be used instead of eggs and shaken like egg whites.

Raw veganism

Raw veganism, combining veganism and raw foods, excludes all animal products and foods cooked over 48Ã, Â ° C (118Ã, Â ° F). The raw vegan diet includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and nuts, seeds, and sea vegetables. There are many dietary variations, including fruitarianism.



Proteins are composed of amino acids. Vegans get all their proteins from plants, omnivores are usually one-third, and half-vegetarian ovo-lakto. Plant protein sources include beans like soybeans (consumed as tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable protein, soy milk, and edamame), peas, peanuts, black beans, and beans (the latter often eaten as hummus); grains such as quinoa, brown rice, corn, barley, bulgur, and wheat (last eaten as bread and seitan); and nuts and seeds. Combinations that contain large amounts of all essential amino acids include rice and beans, corn and beans, and whole grain and hummus.

Soy and quinoa are known as complete proteins because each contains all of the essential amino acids in quantities that meet or exceed human needs. Mangels et al. wrote that consuming the recommended diet (RDA) protein - 0.8 g/kg (0.36 g/lb) body weight - in the form of soybeans would meet biological requirements for amino acids. In 2012, the US Department of Agriculture decided that soy protein (tofu) could replace the meat protein in the National School Lunch Program.

The American Dietetic Association said in 2009 that a variety of plant-based foods consumed during the day can provide all essential amino acids for healthy adults, which means that proteins combined in the same foods may not be necessary. Mangels et al. write that there is little reason to suggest vegan to increase their protein intake; but based on a cautious side, they recommend a 25 percent increase in RDA for adults, up to 1.0 grams per kilogram (0.45 g/lb) of body weight.

Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12 is the bacterial product needed for cell division, the formation and maturation of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and normal nerve function. Deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia and neurological damage, and, if left untreated, can cause death. The high content of folacin in a vegetarian diet can mask the hematologic symptoms of vitamin B deficiency 12 , so it may not be detected until neurological signs in the final stage are proven, which can be irreversible, such as neuropsychiatric disorders. , neuropathy, dementia and, occasionally, optic nerve atrophy. Vegans sometimes fail to get enough B 12 of their food because among un-enriched foods, only those from animals contain sufficient quantities. The best source is ruminant food. Vegetarians are also at risk, like older people and those with certain medical conditions. A 2013 study found that "vegetarians develop a deficiency or lack of B 12 regardless of the demographic characteristics, shelter, age, or type of vegetarian diet.Clubans should take preventive measures to ensure adequate intake of this vitamin , including regular consumption of supplements containing B 12 . "

B 12 is produced in nature only by certain bacteria and archaea; it is not made by animals, fungi, or plants. It is synthesized by some intestinal bacteria in humans and other animals, but humans can not absorb B 12 made in their intestines, because it is made in the colon too far from the small intestine, where the absorption of B 12 occurs. Ruminants, like cattle and sheep, absorb B 12 produced by bacteria in their intestines.

Animals store vitamin B 12 in the liver and muscles and some provide vitamins into their eggs and milk; meat, liver, egg and milk are source B 12 .

It has been suggested that nori (edible seaweed), tempeh (fermented soybean meal), and nutritional yeast can be a source of vitamin B 12 . In 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics determined that nori, fermented foods (such as tempeh), spirulina, chlorella algae, and unfortified nutrient yeast are insufficient sources of vitamin B 12 and that vegans should consume food which is enriched regularly or supplements containing B 12 . Otherwise, vitamin B 12 deficiency may develop, as has been shown in the case studies of vegan infants, children, and adults.

Vitamin B 12 is mostly produced by industrial fermentation of various types of bacteria, which make the form of cyanocobalamin, which is further processed to produce ingredients included in supplements and fortified foods. The Pseudomonas denitrificans strain is most commonly used in 2017. It is grown in a medium containing sucrose, yeast extract, and some metal salts. To increase the production of vitamins, it is equipped with sugar beet molasses, or, more rarely, with choline. Some specific brands of supplements B 12 are vegan.


Calcium is needed to maintain bone health and for some metabolic functions, including muscle function, vascular contraction and vasodilation, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormone secretion. Ninety-nine percent of the body's calcium is stored in bones and teeth.

High calcium foods may include enriched enriched or enriched tofu milk. Plant sources include broccoli, turnips, bok choy, mustard greens, and kale; the bioavailability of calcium in poor spinach. Vegans should make sure they consume enough vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption.

A 2007 report based on the Oxford group of European Prospective Investigations into Cancer and Nutrition, which began in 1993, suggests that vegans have an increased risk of fractures over meat and vegetarian eaters, possibly due to lower dietary calcium intake. The study found that vegans consuming at least 525 mg of calcium daily had a similar fracture risk to other groups. A 2009 study found vegan bone mineral density (BMD) was 94 percent of omnivores, but found clinically insignificant differences.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D (calciferol) is required for several functions, including calcium absorption, enabling bone mineralization, and bone growth. Without it the bones can become thin and brittle; along with the calcium it offers protection against osteoporosis. Vitamin D is produced in the body when the sun's ultraviolet rays are about the skin; outdoor exposure is necessary because UVB radiation does not penetrate the glass. It is present in salmon, tuna, mackerel and cod liver oil, with small amounts in cheese, egg yolks, and beef liver, and in some mushrooms.

Most vegan diets contain little or no vitamin D without fortified foods. People with slight exposure to sunlight may need supplements. The extent to which exposure to sunlight is quite dependent on the season, time, cloud and smoke covering, the skin's melanin content, and whether sunscreen is used. According to the National Institutes of Health, most people can obtain and store enough vitamin D from sunlight in spring, summer, and autumn, even in the northern tip. They report that some researchers recommend 5-30 minutes of sunlight exposure without sunscreen between 10 am and 3 pm, at least twice a week. Tanning beds emit 2-% UVB radiation has the same effect, although tanning is not recommended.

Vitamin D comes in two forms. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3 ) is synthesized in the skin after exposure to the sun or consumed from food, usually from animal sources. Ergocalciferol (vitamin D 2 ) is derived from ergosterol from yeast or yeast exposed to UV rays and is suitable for vegans. When manufactured industrially as a supplement, vitamin D 3 usually comes from lanolin in sheep's wool. However, both provitamin and vitamin D 2 and D 3 have been found in Cladina spp. (especially the Latin "span lang =" la "title =" Latin text "> Cladina rangiferina ) and the edible moss is harvested in the wild to produce a vitamin D vitamin 3 . Conflicting studies have suggested that two forms of vitamin D may or may not be bioequivalent. According to researchers from the Institute of Medicine, the difference between vitamin D 2 and D 3 does not affect metabolism, both function as prohormones, and when activated show identical responses in the body.


In some cases iron and vegan zinc status can also be of concern due to the limited bioavailability of these minerals. There are concerns about the bioavailability of iron from plant foods, assumed by some researchers to be 5-15 percent compared with 18 percent of nonvegetarian diets. Iron deficiency anemia is often found in nonvegetarians as in vegetarians, although research shows vegetarian iron shops are lower.

Mangels et al. wrote that, due to the lower bioavailability of iron from plant sources, the Food and Nutrition Agency of the National Academy of Sciences established separate RDAs for vegetarians and vegans of 14 mg for vegetarian men and postmenopausal women, and 33 mg for premenopausal women not using oral contraceptives. Supplements should be used with care after consultation with a doctor, because iron can accumulate in the body and cause damage to the organs. This is especially true for anyone with hemochromatosis, a relatively common condition that can remain undiagnosed.

High iron vegan foods include soybeans, blackstrap molasses, black beans, beans, arabs, spinach, tempeh, tofu, and lima beans. Iron absorption can be increased by eating a source of vitamin C at the same time, such as half a cup of cauliflower or five ounces of orange juice fluid. Coffee and some herbal teas can inhibit the absorption of iron, such as tannin-containing spices such as turmeric, coriander, chilli, and tamarind.

Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid, is found in vegetables and green beans, and in vegetable oils such as canola and linseed oil. EPA and DHA, other major omega-3 fatty acids, are found only in animal products and algae. Iodine supplements may be needed for vegans in countries where the salt is usually un-iodized, where iodized at low levels, or where, as in the UK and Ireland, dairy products are relied on for iodine delivery because of low levels in the soil. Iodine can be obtained from a vegan multivitamin or seaweed consumption, such as seaweed.

Health research

In 2014, several studies are rigorous in their comparisons of omnivorous, vegetarian, and vegan food, making it difficult to distinguish whether health benefits associated with veganism may also apply to a vegetarian diet or diet that includes moderate meat intake.

In early clinical studies, the vegan diet reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and ischemic heart disease. A systematic review of 2016 from observational studies of vegetarians showing reduced body mass index, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and glucose levels, may indicate a lower risk of ischemic heart disease and cancer, but has no effect on mortality, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer deaths.

Eliminating all animal products may increase the risk of vitamin B 12 and D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin B deficiency 12 occurs in 80% of vegans who do not contain vitamin B 12 . Vegans may be at risk of low bone mineral density without supplements. Deficiency B 12 inhibits the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Professional and government associations

The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and dieticians from Canada states that a properly planned vegan diet is appropriate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation. They point out that the vegetarian diet may be more common among adolescents with eating disorders, but that its adoption may serve to disguise disorders rather than cause them. The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia also recognizes a well-planned and decent vegan diet for any age. Eatwell Plate from the National National Health Service allows for a completely plant-based diet, as does MyPlate Department of Agriculture of the United States (USDA). USDA lets know to replace meat in the National School Lunch Program. The German Society for Nutrition does not recommend a vegan diet for infants, children and adolescents, or for pregnant or lactating women.

Pregnancy, baby and children

Nutrition and Diet Academies and Food Experts from Canada consider a well-planned vegetarian and vegan diet "suitable for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes". The German Society for Nutrition warns against the vegan diet for pregnant women, infants and children in 2011. The position of the Canadian Children's Society is that "a planned vegetarian and vegan diet with the right attention to certain nutritional components can provide good health. alternatives at all stages of fetal, infant, child and adolescent growth Attention should be given to nutritional intake, especially protein, vitamin B 12 and D, essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, and calcium.

According to a systematic review of 2015, there is little evidence available about vegetarian and vegan diets during pregnancy, and the lack of randomized studies means that dietary effects can not be distinguished from confounding factors. This concludes: "Within these limits, the vegan-vegetarian diet can be considered safe in pregnancy, provided care is given to vitamins and trace elements requirements." The daily sources of vitamin B 12 are important for pregnant and lactating vegans, such as vitamin D if there is concern about low exposure to sunlight. Researchers have reported cases of vitamin B 12 deficiency in breastfeeding breastfeeding mothers who are associated with neurological deficiencies and disorders in their children. A registered doctor or dietitian should be consulted about taking supplements during pregnancy.

The vegan diet has attracted negative attention from the media due to nutritional deficiencies that have been the concern of the court, including infant mortality in New Zealand in 2002 due to hypokhalaminemia, ie vitamin B 12 deficiency.

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Personal items

Vegans do not use personal care products or household cleaners containing animal products. Animal ingredients are everywhere because they are cheap. After the animals are slaughtered for meat, the remains are fed through the rendering process, and some of the ingredients, especially fat, end up with toiletries. Common ingredients include fat in soap and glycerin derived from collagen, used as a lubricant and humectant in many hair care products, moisturizers, shaving foam, soap and toothpaste.

Lanolin from sheep's wool is often found in lip balms and moisturizers. Stearic acid is a common ingredient in facial creams, shaving foam and shampoo; such as glycerin, it can be plant-based but usually derived from animals. Lactic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid derived from animal milk, is used in moisturizers, such as allantoin - from comfrey plants or cow urine - in shampoos, moisturizers, and toothpastes. Carmine from scale insects, such as female cochineal, is used in food and cosmetics to produce red and pink.

Animal Materials A to Z (2004) and Veganissimo A to Z (2013) specify which materials may come from animals. The British Vegan Society sunflower logo and the PETA rabbit logo mean this product is a certified vegan, which does not include animal testing. The Leaping Bunny logo signifies no testing on animals, but may not be vegan. The vegan Society's criteria for vegan certification are that the product does not contain animal products, and that both finished goods and their ingredients have been tested on animals by, or on behalf of, producers or by whomever the producer has control. The website contains a list of certified products, as well as Australia's Choose Cruelty Free.

Beauty Without Cruelty, founded as a charity in 1959, is one of the earliest manufacturers and certifiers of personal care products without animal products. Some international companies produce animal-free products, including clothing, shoes, fashion goods, and candles.

Vegans avoid clothes that combine silk, wool (including lambswool, shearling, cashmere, angora, mohair, and some other fine wool), feathers, feathers, pearls, animal dyes, leather, snake skins and other skin types. or animal products. Most leather clothes are made of cowhide. Vegans consider the purchase of leather, especially from cows, as financial support for the meat industry. Vegans can wear clothing and accessories made from non-animal materials such as hemp, linen, cotton, canvas, polyester, artificial leather (leather), rubber, and vinyl. Alternative skin can come from materials such as cork, piÃÆ' Â ± a (from pineapple), and mushroom skin.

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Ethics of veganism

The ethics of veganism are based on resistance to speciesism, assigning value to individuals on the basis of membership of species alone. The division in animal rights theory includes a utilitarian, protectionist approach, which pursues better conditions for animals. It also deals with rights-based abolitionism, which seeks to end human ownership of non-humans. Abolitionists argue that protectionism only serves to make the public feel that the use of animals can be morally problematic ("happy meat" position).

Professor of law Gary Francione, an abolitionist, argues that all living things must have the right not to be treated as property, and that adopting veganism should be the basis for anyone who believes that non-humans have intrinsic moral values. Philosopher Tom Regan, also a rights theorist, argues that animals have value as "subject-of-a-life", because they have the belief, desire, memory and ability to initiate action in the pursuit of goals. The subject-of-a-life rights will not be harmed by other moral principles, but Regan argues that farmers' enjoyment, comfort and economic interests are not severe enough. The philosopher Peter Singer, protectionist and utilitarian, argues that there is no moral or logical justification for failing to quantify animal suffering as a consequence when making decisions, and that killing animals should be rejected unless necessary for survival. Nevertheless, he writes that "ethical thinking can be sensitive to circumstances," and that it "is not too concerned with petty offenses".

An argument put forward by Bruce Friedrich, also a protectionist, states that strict adherence to veganism endangers animals, because it focuses on personal purity, rather than encouraging people to release whatever animal products they can. For Francione, this is similar to asserting that, since human rights violations can never be eliminated, we must not defend human rights in the circumstances we control. By not asking the server whether something contains animal products, we affirm that the animal's moral rights are a matter of convenience, he argued. He concludes from this that the protectionist position fails on the consequentialist terms alone.

The philosopher Val Plumwood argues that ethical veganism is "human-centered," an example of what he calls "human/natural dualism" because he views humanity as separate from the rest of nature. Ethical vegans would like to recognize non-humans in categories that deserve special protection, rather than recognizing the "ecological" of all. Plumwood writes that animal foods may be "unnecessary crimes" from a consumer perspective that "pulls the whole planet for nutritional needs" - and he is strongly against farms - but for anyone who relies on a much smaller ecosystem, it is very difficult or impossible become vegan.

Bioethicist Ben Mepham, in his review of Francione and Garner's The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? Concludes that "if the purpose of ethics is to choose the right course of action, or best, under the special circumstances 'all things considered', it can be argued that adherence to such an absolutist agenda is simple and open to serious self-contradictions Or, as Farlie says, with a typical panache: 'to conclude that veganism is the only' ethical response 'is a great leap into a very muddy pond.' "He cites as an example of a bad effect on wild animals derived from practice agriculture needed to sustain most of the vegan diet and ethical contradictions to support the well-being of pets but not wild animals, an imbalance between resources used to improve animal welfare compared to those destined to alleviate the suffering of about a billion humans who are malnourished, harassed, and exploitation, focus on attitude and condition in western developed countries, leaving the rights and interests of an economic, cultural society and, in some cases, survival depends on the symbiotic relationship with animals.

David Pearce, a transhumanist philosopher, argues that mankind has a "hedonistic imperative" to not only avoid cruelty to animals or abolish non-human animal ownership, but also redesign the global ecosystem in such a way that the suffering of wild animals disappears. In pursuit of the abolition of suffering itself, Pearce promotes the elimination of predation among animals and the "global analog cross-species of the welfare state". Fertility arrangements can keep the herbivorous population at a sustainable level, "a more civilized and compassionate policy option than hunger, predation, and disease". The increasing number of vegans and vegetarians in the movement of transhumanism has been attributed in part to Pearce's influence.

The growing political philosophy that combines veganism as part of its revolutionary praxis is veganarchism, which seeks "total abolition" or "total liberation" for all animals, including humans. Veganarchists identify the country as unnecessary and harmful to animals, both human and non-human, and advocate for the adoption of a vegan lifestyle in a countryless society. The term was popularized in 1995 with the pamphlet of Brian A. Dominick of Animal Liberation and the Social Revolution, described as "a vegan perspective on anarchism or anarchist perspectives on veganism". Direct action is a common practice among veganarchists (and general anarchists) with groups such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Revolutionary Cells - Animal Liberation Brigade (RCALB) often engage in such activities, sometimes violently and cruelly, to further the aims they.

environmental veganism

Environmental vegans focus on conservation, rejecting the use of animal products on the grounds that fishing, hunting, trapping and farming, especially farming, are not environmentally sustainable. In 2010, Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society called pigs and chickens "main aquatic predators," since cattle eat 40 percent of the fish caught. Since 2002, all Sea Shepherd ships have become vegan for environmental reasons. This particular form of veganism focuses their way of life on how to have a sustainable way of life without eating animals.

According to a 2006 Food and Agriculture Organization UN report, <1> Livestock's Long Shadow, 222 million tonnes of meat was produced globally in 1999. The report states that about 26 percent of the planet's terrestrial surface is devoted to livestock. grazing. In the United States, ten billion land animals are killed annually for human consumption, and by 2005, 48 billion birds were killed globally.

The UN report also concludes that farms (mostly cattle, chickens and pigs) affect air, soil, soil, water, biodiversity and climate change. Livestock consumed 1,174 million tons of food in 2002 - including 7.6 million tons of fish meal and 670 million tons of cereal, a third of the global cereal harvest - and in 2001 consumed 45 million tons of roots and vegetables and 17 million tons of pulses. In 2006, the livestock industry accounted for nine percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, 37 percent methane, 65 percent nitrous oxide, and 68 percent ammonia. Livestock waste emits 30 million tons of ammonia a year, which is involved in acid rain production. A 2017 study published in Carbon Balance and Management found that global livestock methane gas emissions are 11% higher than previous estimates based on data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The 2010 UN report, Assessing the Environmental Impact of Consumption and Production , argues that animal products "generally require more resources and cause higher emissions than plant-based alternatives". It proposes moving from animal products to reduce environmental damage. A Cornell University study in 2007 concluded that the vegetarian diet uses the lowest land of per capita , but requires a higher quality of land than is needed to feed the animals. A 2015 study published in the Science of the Total Environment stipulates that significant loss of biodiversity can be attributed to increased demand for meat, which is a significant driver of deforestation and habitat destruction, with a rich species habitat that converted for agriculture for livestock production. A 2017 study by the World Wildlife Fund found that 60% loss of biodiversity could be attributed to the large-scale cultivation of feed crops needed to raise tens of billions of livestock, which puts enormous pressure on natural resources resulting in the loss of soil and species. In November 2017, 15,364 world scientists signed a memorial to mankind calling for, among other things, "promoting dietary changes against most plant foods".

The 2018 report published in PNAS confirms that farmers in the United States can retain more than twice as many people as they do today if they abandon livestock raising for human consumption and instead focus on crops that is growing.

Feminism of veganism


One of the foremost activists and scholars of feminist animal rights is Carol J. Adams. His main work, The Meat-Sexual Politics: Critical-Feminist-Vegetarian Theory (1990), sparked what became a movement in animal rights as he noted the relationship between feminism and meat consumption. Since the release of The Sexual Politics of Meat, Adams has published several other works including essays, books, and key addresses. Adams's ideals were thoroughly undertaken, and in one of his speeches, "Why are the feminists now?" - adapted from its original address at the "Minding Animals" conference in Newcastle, Australia (2009) - Adams states that "the idea that there is a connection between feminism and vegetarianism came to [him] in October 1974", illustrates that the concept of feminist veganism has existed for almost half a century. Other authors also aligned Adams' ideas while extending them. Angella Duvnjak states in "Joining the Points: Some Reflections on Practices and Politico-Vegan Options" that she encounters resistance to feminist and vegan ideological relationships, although the connection seems more clear to her and other scholars (2011). Other scholars describe the relationship between feminism, such as Carrie Hamilton that makes connections with sex workers and animal reproductive rights. Many other scholars of feminist vegan philosophy continue to add to the arguments put forward by Adams, Duvnjak, and Hamilton.

The border of animal and human abuse

Some of the main concepts of feminist veganism are the relationship between violence and animal oppression. For example, Marjorie Spiegal compares the consumption or slavery of animals to the benefit of man against slavery. Animals purchased from breeders, used for personal gain - whether for further breeding or manual labor - and then discarded, most often as food. The use of capitalist animals for personal gain has been strong, despite the work of animal rights activists and feminists ekofriendly.

Similar ideas that suggest animals - such as fish, for example - feel less pain are brought today as justification for animal cruelty. The feminist side of the argument, however, shows that there is no rationalization to treat animals with lower than human life, even if the theory that animals are less able to pain can be proven.

Another connection between feminism and veganism is the parallel of violence against women or other minority members and violence against animals. Animal rights activists are closely related to animal cruelty with feminist issues. This relationship is even further reflected as an animal used for breeding practices compared to trafficking victims and migrant sex workers. Hamilton pointed out that violence "rapists sometimes exhibit behaviors that appear to be patterned on animal mutilations" indicates a tendency between violence against rape victims and cruelty to animals previously exhibited by rapists.

However, the relationship of violence is not limited to sexual acts. It is a common fact that the prevalence of violence against animals is more pronounced in those with psychopathic disorders. This reflection of animal violence and weaker animal violence leads the pioneering feminist veganism to show that there is a correspondence between violence against humans and animals, supporting feminist veganism.

Feminist Capitalism and veganism

Another way that feminist veganism deals with feminist thinking is through the capitalist ways of production itself. Carol J. Adams mentions Barbara Noske talking about "eating meat as the main capitalist product, because it takes so much to make a product, it uses so much resources". The capitalization of resources for meat production is better used for the production of other food products that have less adverse environmental impacts.

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Various symbols have been developed to represent veganism. Some are used on consumer packaging, including trademarks of the Vegan Society and the Vegan Action logo, to show products without animal origin. Various symbols can also be used by members of the vegan community to represent their identity and in the course of animal rights activism, such as the vegan flag.

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External links

  • The Vegan Society

Source of the article : Wikipedia
