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Tan Son Nhut Air Base area aerial view

Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Vietnam: C? Nc? KhÃÆ''ng quÃÆ' Â ¢ n TÃÆ' Â ¢ n S? N Nh? T ) (1955-1975) is a facility of the Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF). It lies near the city of Saigon in southern Vietnam. The United States used it as a major base during the Vietnam War (1959-1975), placing the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine units there. Following the Fall of Saigon, it was taken over as the Vietnamese People's Air Force (VPAF) facility and remains in use today.

Tan Son Nhat International Airport, (IATA: SGN , ICAO: VVTS ) has been Vietnam's premier civilian airport since the 1920s.

Video Tan Son Nhut Air Base

Initial history

Tan Son Nhat Airport was built by France in the 1920s when the French Colonial government in Indochina built a small unpaved airport, known as Tan Son Nhat Airfield, in the village of Tan Son Nhat to serve as Saigon's commercial airport. Flights to and from France, as well as in Southeast Asia are available before World War II. During World War II, the Japanese Imperial Army used Tan Son Nhat as a transportation base. When the Japanese surrendered in August 1945, the French Air Force flew a contingent of 150 soldiers to Tan Son Nhat.

After World War II, TÃÆ'n ¢ n S'n Nh? T serves both domestic and international flights from Saigon.

In mid-1956 the construction of the 7,200 feet (2,200 m) runway was completed and the International Cooperation Administration immediately began work on the 10,000 foot (3,000 m) concrete platform. The airfield is run by the Department of Civil Aviation of Southern Vietnam with RVNAF as a tenant located on the southwest of the airfield.

In 1961, the government of the Republic of Vietnam requested the US Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) to plan the expansion of Tan Son Nhut airport. A taxiway parallel to the original runway has just been completed by E.V. Company lane for U.S. Operation Mission, but parking area parking and connection to taxiways are required. Under the direction of the US Navy Officer Responsible for RVN Construction, these items were built by the American construction company RMK-BRJ in 1962. RMK-BRJ also built an air-control radar station in 1962, and the passenger terminal and goods in 1963. In 1967, the RMK-BRJ built a second 10,000-foot concrete platform.

Maps Tan Son Nhut Air Base

The Republic of Vietnam Air Force uses

At the end of 1951, the French Air Force established a 31F 319 Special Mission Squadron at Tan Son Nhat Airfield equipped with Morane 500 Criquet aircraft.

In 1952 a heliport was built at the base for use by French Air Force medical evacuation helicopters.

In 1953, Tan Son Nhut began to be used as a military airbase for the newborn RVNAF, and in 1956 the headquarters was moved from the center of Saigon to Tan Son Nhut. But even before that time, French and Vietnamese military aircraft became evidence at Tan Son Nhut.

On July 1, 1955, the RVNAF 1 Transport Squadron equipped with C-47 Skytrains was established at the base. RVNAF also has a special mission squadron on base equipped with 3 C-47, 3 C-45 and 1 L-26. The First Transport Squadron will be renamed the 413th Air Transport Squadron in January 1963.

In June 1956, a second Transport Squadron equipped with the C-47 was established at the base and RVNAF set up its headquarters there. It will be renamed the 415 Air Transport Squadron in January 1963.

In November 1956, with the agreement with the South Vietnamese government, USAF took on some of the training and administrative roles of the RVNAF. The full handover of training responsibilities took place on 1 June 1957 when the French training contract ended.

On June 1, 1957, the RVNAF Helicopter Squadron was established on base without equipment. It operated with a French Air Force unit serving the International Control Commission and in April 1958 with the French departure it inherited 10 H-19 helicopters.

In October 1959, the second Liaison Squadron equipped with L-19 Bird Dogs moved to base from Nha Trang.

In mid-December 1961, USAF began delivering 30 T-28 Trojans to RVNAF at Tan Son Nhut.

In December 1962, the 293 Helicopter Squadron was activated at the base, it was deactivated in August 1964.

At the end of 1962, RVNAF formed the 716 Composite Surveillance Force which was originally equipped with 2 C-45 reconnaissance aircraft.

In January 1963, USAF opened an H-19 pilot training facility at the base and in June the first RVNAF helicopter pilot had graduated.

In January 1963, the 211th Squadron of the 211 Chopper equipped with UH-34 replaced the 1st Helicopter Squadron.

In December 1963, the 716 Composite Surveillance Squadron was activated at base, equipped with C-47 and T-28. The squadron will be disabled in June 1964 and its mission is assumed by the 2nd Air Division, while its pilots formed the 520th Combat Squadron at Bien Hoa Air Base.

In January 1964, all RVNAF units at the base were under the control of the newly established 33rd Wing Tactical.

By mid-year, RVNAF had grown to thirteen squadrons; four fighters, four observations, three helicopters, and two C-47s. The RVNAF follows the practice of the US Air Force, setting the squadron to wing, with one wing located in each of the four tactical zone corps in C? N Th? Air Base, Tan Son Nhut AB, Pleiku Air Base and Da Nang Air Base.

In May 1965, Douglas A-1 Skyraider equipped the Combat Squadron 522 which was activated on the base.

Command and control center

As the headquarters for RVNAF, Tan Son Nhut is primarily a command base, with most operational units using the nearby Bien Hoa Air Base.

At Tan Son Nhut, RVNAF command and control systems were developed over the years with help from the USAF. This system handles airflow from take-off to the target area, and returns to base launched. This is known as the Tactical Air Control System (TACS), and ensures positive control of all areas where significant combat operations are performed. Without this system, it is impossible for RVNAF to mobilize its troops effectively if needed.

TACS is near the headquarters of RVNAF and USAF forces in South Vietnam, and the second Air Force commander uses his facility. Subordinates to the TACS are the Direct Air Support Centers (DASC) assigned to each of the corps areas (I DASC - Da Nang AB, DASC Alpha - Nha Trang Air Base, II DASC - Pleiku AB, III DASC - Bien Hoa AB, and IV DASC - C? N Th? AB). The DASC is responsible for the deployment of aircraft within their sector to support ground operations.

Operated under each of the many Tactical Air Tactical DASCs (TACPs), manned by one or more RVNAF/USAF personnel posted with the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) ground forces. A communications network incorporates these three command and control levels, giving TACS overall control over the South Vietnamese air situation at any time.

Additional information is provided by a radar network covering all of South Vietnam and surrounding areas, monitoring all strike aircraft.

Another function of Tan Son Nhut Air Base is as an RVNAF recruitment center.

Use in coup

The base is adjacent to the headquarters of the South Vietnam General Joint Staff, and was the main site in various military coups, in particular the 1963 coup that overthrew NgÃÆ'Â's first President? ÃÆ''nh Di? M. The conspirators invited loyal officials to a routine lunch meeting at JGS and arrested them on the afternoon of November 1, 1963. The most famous was Colonel LÃÆ'ª Quang Tung, the commander of the ARVN Special Forces, effectively the private Ngo family forces, and his brother and his deputy, Le Qu? ng Tr? eu. Then, Captain Nguy? N V? N Nung, the guardian of the coup leader General D? Ng V? N Minh, shoot the brothers on the edge of the base.

On April 14, 1966 the Viet Cong (VC) mortar attack on the base destroyed two RVNAF planes and killed 7 USAF and 2 RVNAF personnel.

The base was attacked by VC in a mine and mortar attack on the morning of December 4, 1966. The attack was repulsed because of the loss of 3 US and 3 ARVN killed and 28 VCs were killed and 4 arrested.

1968 Tet Offensive

The base was the target of the main VC attack during the Tet Attack of 1968. The attack began on January 31 with a greater than expected level of severity. When VC attacks most RVNAF is on leave to be with their family during the lunar new year. The withdrawal is immediately issued, and within 72 hours, 90 percent of the RVNAF is on duty.

The main VC attack is carried out against the western perimeter base by the 3 VC Battalion. Initial penetration was contained by 377 base security police squadrons, units of the AD-hoc Army Task Force 35, ad-hoc RVNAF units and two Airborne ARVN battalions. The 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment sent from C? Chi Base Camp and prevent further forces in the west of the base from strengthening the VC inside the base and involving them in villages and factories to the west of the base. At 16:30 on 31 January the base was secured. US losses 22 killed and 82 injured, 29 dead ARVN and 15 injured, VC losses of more than 669 killed and 26 arrested. 14 aircraft damaged at the base.

Over the next three weeks, the RVNAF flew 1,300 unannounced attacks, bombed and strafed the PAVN/VC position throughout South Vietnam. The hauling plane from Tan 33h Wing belonging to Son Tan Nhut lowered nearly 15,000 flares in 12 nights, compared with the normal monthly average of 10,000. The observation aircraft also from Tan Son Nhut completed nearly 700 reconnaissance surveillance, with RVNAF pilots flying O-1 Bird Dogs and U-17 Skywagons.

At 1:15 pm on February 18 a VC rocket and mortar attack on the base destroyed six aircraft and damaged 33 others and killed one person. The rocket attack the next day struck a civil air terminal that killed 1 person and 6 further rocket/mortar attacks during this period killed another 6 and wounded 151. On February 24, rockets and other mortar attacks damaged major buildings that killed four US personnel and injuring 21 others..

On June 12, 1968 a mortar attack on the base destroyed two USAF planes and killed 1 pilot.

Offensive Tet Offensive and previous losses due to mortar and rocket attacks at air base in South Vietnam led Deputy Defense Minister Paul Nitze on March 6, 1968 to approve the construction of 165 "Wonderarch" roofs of aircraft shelters at major air bases. In addition, a "rocket watch" patrol was formed in the Saigon-Bien Hoa area to reduce attacks by fire.

Vietnamization and the Easter Attack 1972

On 2 July 1969 the first 5 AC-47 Spooky combat was handed over to RVNAF to form the 817 Combat Squadron which became operational at base on 31 August.

In 1970, with American units leaving the country, the RVNAF transport fleet greatly improved in Tan Son Nhut. The RVNAF 33d and 53d Tactical Wings established flying C-123 Providers, C-47 and C-7 Caribous.

In mid-1970, USAF began training the RVNAF crew on the AC-119G Shadow Battleship ship at the base. Other courses include navigation classes and helicopter transitions and maintenance training for CH-47 Chinook.

In November 1970, RVNAF took full control of the Direct Air Support Center (DASC) at Bien Hoa AB, Da Nang AB and Pleiku AB.

At the end of 1971, RVNAF fully controlled command and control units in eight major air bases, supporting the ARVN unit for an expanded air-ground operating system. In September 1971, USAF transferred two C-119 squadrons to RVNAF at Tan Son Nhut.

In 1972, the RVNAF accumulation in Tan Son Nhut was expanded when two C-130 Hercules squadrons were formed there. In December, the first C-130 RVNAF training facility was set up at Tan Son Nhut, allowing RVNAF to train its own C-130 pilot. As more and more C-130s are transferred to RVNAF, older C-123s are returned to the USAF for disposal.

As the RVNAF buildup continued, the success of the Vietnamization program was evident during the Easter Attack of 1972. In response to the Vietnam People's Army (PAVN) attack, the RVNAF flew over 20,000 sudden attacks that helped stem the progress. In the first month of the offensive, transport from Tan Son Nhut transported thousands of troops and delivered nearly 4,000 tons of supplies across the country. Attacks also result in additional shipments of aircraft to RVNAF under Operation Improving. Also, the fighter arrives at Tan Son Nhut for the first time in F-5A/B Freedom Fighter and F-5E Tiger II. The F-5 was then transferred to Bien Hoa and Da Nang ABs.

1973 Truce 1973

The Paris Treaty of Peace in 1973 ended the capacity of US advisers in South Vietnam. Instead, as part of the agreement, the Americans maintained the AttachÃÆ'Â © Ã © © Office (DAO) Defense Office at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, with small field offices at other facilities across the country. The technical assistance provided by personnel from DAO and by civil contractors is very important for RVNAF, however, due to ceasefire agreements, South Vietnam can not be advised in any way on military operations, tactics or work techniques. Through the DAO that the American/Southern Vietnam relationship is maintained, and it is primarily from this source that information from within South Vietnam is obtained. RVNAF provides statistics regarding the military capabilities of their units to DAO, but the accuracy of this information is not always reliable.

From the Easter Attack of 1972, it is clear that without the assistance of the United States, especially air support, the ARVN will not be able to defend itself against ongoing PAVN attacks. This is shown in the battle around Pleiku, An L? C and Qu? Ng Tr? where ARVN will be defeated without continuous air support, mainly supplied by USAF. ARVN relies heavily on air support, and in the absence of USAF, full responsibility falls on RVNAF. Although equipped with a large number of Cessna A-37 Dragonfly and F-5 attack aircraft, to conduct effective long-range air support operations, during heavy bombardment attacks in 1972 submitted to USAF aircraft.

As part of the Paris Peace Accord, the Joint Military Commission was formed and VC/PAVN troops deployed throughout South Vietnam to oversee US troop departure and implementation of the ceasefire. 200-250 VC/PAVN soldiers based at Camp Davis (see Davis Station below) at base from March 1973 until the fall of South Vietnam.

Many of the violations of the Paris Peace Accord conducted by North Vietnam began shortly after the United States withdrew its last personnel from South Vietnam at the end of March 1973. North Vietnam and Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam continued their efforts to overthrow President Nguy? N V? N Thi? U and remove the US-backed government. The US has promised Thieu that he will use air power to support his government. On January 14, 1975, Defense Secretary James Schlesinger stated that the US did not fulfill its promise that the country would retaliate in the event of North Vietnam trying to flood South Vietnam.

When North Vietnam attacked in March 1975, the promised American intervention never materialized. The congress reflects a popular mood, stopping the bombing in Cambodia effective July 15, 1973, and reducing aid to South Vietnam. Because Thieu intends to fight the same as he always does, with the use of fancy weapons, aid cuts prove to be very destructive.


In early 1975 North Vietnam realized the right time to achieve its goal of uniting Vietnam under communist rule, launching a series of small ground attacks to test the US reaction.

On January 8, the North Vietnamese Politburo ordered the PAVN attack to "free" South Vietnam with a cross-border invasion. The general staff plan for the invasion of South Vietnam called for 20 divisions because, in 1975, the Soviet-supplied PAVN was the fifth largest in the world. It anticipates a two-year struggle for victory.

On March 14, South Vietnamese President Thi? U decided to leave the Central Highlands and the two northern provinces of South Vietnam and ordered a general withdrawal of ARVN forces from these areas. Instead of a regular withdrawal, it turns into a general retreat, with military and civilian masses fleeing, clogging the roads and creating chaos.

On March 30, 100,000 South Vietnamese soldiers surrendered after being abandoned by their commanding officers. The major cities on the coast of Da Nang, Qui Nh'n, Tuy HÃÆ'²a and Nha Trang were abandoned by South Vietnam, producing northern half of South Vietnam to North Vietnam.

At the end of March, the US Embassy began reducing the number of US citizens in Vietnam by encouraging dependent and unimportant people to leave the country on commercial flights and on Airlift Command (MAC) C-141 and C-5 aircraft, which still carry military emergency supplies. By the end of March, two or three of these MAC planes arrive daily and are used for the evacuation of civilians and Vietnamese orphans. On April 4, a C-5A aircraft carrying 250 Vietnamese orphans and bodyguards experienced explosive decompression of the sea near Vung Tau and made an emergency landing while attempting to return to Tan Son Nhut; 153 people inside were killed in the accident.

When the war in South Vietnam entered its conclusion, RVNAF pilots flew suddenly after a surprise attack, supporting the retreating ARVN after leaving Cam Ranh Bay on April 14. For two days after ARVN left the area, Wing Commander at Phan Rang Air Base fought with troops under his command. Air forces were sent for one last attempt to hold the airfield, but defenders were eventually seized on April 16 and Phan Rang Air Base lost.

On April 22 Xuan Loc fell to PAVN after a two-week battle with the 18th ARVN Division that caused more than 5,000 victims of the PAVN and delayed the Ho Chi Minh Camp for two weeks. With the fall of Xuan Loc and the capture of Bien Hoa Air Base at the end of April 1975, it is clear that South Vietnam will fall to PAVN.

On April 22, 20 C-141 and 20 C-130 flights a day flew refugees from Tan Son Nhut to Clark Air Base, some 1,000 miles away in the Philippines. On April 23, President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines announced that no more than 2,500 Vietnamese refugees would be allowed in the Philippines at one time, further raising the tension on the MAC which now had to move the refugees out of Saigon and move about 5,000 refugees from Clark Air Base to Guam, Wake Island and Yokota Air Base. President Thieu and his family left Tan Son Nhut on April 25 at USAF C-118 to go into exile in Taiwan. Also on April 25, the Federal Aviation Authority banned commercial flights to South Vietnam. This directive is then reversed; some operators have ignored it. In any case this effectively marks the end of commercial air transport from Tan Son Nhut.

On April 27, the PAVN rockets attacked Saigon and Cholon for the first time since the 1973 truce. It was decided that from now on only C-130 will be used for evacuation due to their greater maneuverability. There is relatively little difference between the cargo loads of the two planes, C-141s have been loaded up to 316 evacuees while the C-130 has taken off with over 240.

On April 28 at 18:06, three A-37 Dragonflies piloted by previous RVNAF pilots, who had defected to the Vietnamese People's Air Force in the autumn of Danang, dropped six Mk81 250-pound bombs on a plane damaging the base. RVNAF F-5 takes off in pursuit, but they can not intercept A-37. The C-130 leaves Tan Son Nhut reporting on receiving PAVN.51 kal and 37Ã, mm anti-aircraft (AAA) fire, while sporadic PAVN rocket and artillery attacks also started hitting airports and air bases. The C-130 flight was suspended after the air strikes but resumed at 20:00 on 28 April.

At 3:58 pm on April 29th, C-130E, # 72-1297, was flown by crew of the 776th Tactical Airlift Squadron, destroyed by a 122 mm rocket while sliding to fetch refugees after unloading the BLU-82 at the base. The crew evacuated the burned plane on the taxiway and left the airfield in another C-130 that had previously landed. This is the last fixed wing airplane of the USAF that left Tan Son Nhut.

At dawn on April 29, the RVNAF began carelessly leaving Tan Son Nhut Air Base as A-37, F-5, C-7, C-119 and C-130 leaving for Thailand while UH-1 set out to search for Task Force 76. Multiple aircraft RVNAF persisted against advanced PAVN. One AC-119 fighter spent the night 28/29 April dropping flares and shooting at the approaching PAVN. At dawn on April 29, two A-1 Skyraiders began patrolling the perimeter of Tan Son Nhut at 2,500 feet (760 m) until one was shot down, possibly by an SA-7 missile. At 7 am AC-119 fired on PAVN to the east of Tan Son Nhut when the plane was hit by a SA-7 and fell to the ground.

At 08.00 on April 29th, Lieutenant General Tr? N V? N Minh, the RVNAF commander and 30 of his staff arrived at the DAO Complex demanding evacuation, signifying the complete loss of command and control of the RVNAF. At 10:51 am on April 29, the order was given by CINCPAC to begin Operation of Frequent Winds, evacuating helicopters of US and Vietnamese personnel at risk.

In the last evacuation, more than a hundred RVNAF aircraft arrived in Thailand, including twenty-six F-5s, eight A-37s, eleven A-1s, six C-130s, thirteen C-47s, five C-7s and three air-. -119s. In addition, nearly 100 RVNAF helicopters landed on US ships offshore, although at least half were removed. One O-1 successfully landed on USS Midway , bringing the majors of South Vietnam, his wife, and five children.

ARVN 3rd Task Force, The 81st Ranger Group ordered by Major Pham Chau Tai defended Tan Son Nhut and they joined the remains of Loi Ho's unit. At 7:15 am on April 30th the 24th PAVN Regiment approached the Bay Hien intersection ( 10.793Ã, N 106.653Ã,  ° E / 10.793; 106.653 ) 1.5km from the base gateway of the base. The T-54 lead was hit by a Mocen M67 reco rifle and then the next T-54 was hit by a shell from the M48 tank. The PAVN infantry moves forward and involves ARVN in house-to-house combat that forces them to retreat to the base at 8:45. PAVN then sent 3 tanks and an infantry battalion to attack the main gate and they met with anti-tank fire and an intensive machine gun that knocked down 3 tanks and killed at least 20 PAVN soldiers. PAVN tried to carry an 85mm anti-aircraft gun but ARVN dropped it before it could start shooting. The 10th Division of PAVN ordered 8 more tanks and one other infantry battalion to join the attack, but as they approached the Hien Hien intersection they were struck by air strikes from an RVNAF jet operating from the Binh Thuy Airbase that destroyed 2 T-54s. The 6 surviving tanks arrive at the main gate at 10:00 am and start their attack, with 2 people being attacked by an anti-tank fire in front of the gate and another destroyed as they attempt flanking maneuvers. Around 10:30 May. Pham heard the broadcast of President D? ng V? N Minh and went to the Joint Combined Compound of ARVN Staff to seek instruction, he called General Minh who told him to get ready to surrender, Pham reportedly told Minh "If Viet Cong tanks enter the Palace of Independence we will go down there to save you, sir. " Minh rejected Pham's suggestion and Pham then told his men to retreat from the base gate and at 11:30 pm PAVN entered the base.

After the war, Tan Son Nhut Air Base was taken over as a base for the Vietnamese People's Air Force.

Known RVNAF Units (June 1974)

Tan Son Nhut Air Base is the RVNAF Headquarters. It is also the headquarters of the 5 RVNAF Air Division.

  • 33d Tactical Wing
    • 314 Special Air Squadron MissionVC-47, U-17, UH-1, DC-6B
    • 716th Reconnaissance Squadron R/EC-47, U-6A
    • 718th Reconnaissance Squadron EC-47
    • Transport Squadron 429 C-7B
    • 431 Transport Squadron C-7B
    • Det H 259 Bell Helicopter Squadron UH-1H (Medevac)
  • 53d Tactical Wing
    • The Combat Squad 819 AC-119G
    • The Combat Squadron 821 AC-119G
    • 435 Transportation Squadron C-130A
    • 437 Transportation Squadron C-130A

File:AC-119G of 17th SOS over Tan Son Nhut Air Base 1969.jpg ...

Use by United States

During the Vietnam War, Tan Son Nhut Air Base was an important facility for USAF and RVNAF. The base served as a focal point for early USAF placement and buildup in South Vietnam in the early 1960s. Tan Son Nhut was originally the main air base for Military Danday Command flights to and from South Vietnam, until other bases like Bien Hoa and Cam Ranh opened in 1966. After 1966, with the formation of the 7th Air Force as the main command of USAF and controlling the headquarters in South Vietnam, Tan Son Nhut serves as headquarters headquarters, Tactical Reconnaissance base, and as a base of Special Operations. With the withdrawal of US troops in South Vietnam after 1971, the base took a myriad of organizations that were moved from a disabled base in South Vietnam.

Between 1968 and 1974, Tan Son Nhut Airport was one of the busiest military bases in the world. Pan Am's schedule from 1973 shows Boeing 747 service being operated four times a week to San Francisco via Guam and Manila. Continental Airlines operates up to 30 Boeing 707 military charter a week to and from Tan Son Nhut Airport during the period 1968-74.

From Tan Son Nhut Air Base, the last Airman US left South Vietnam in March 1973. The Air Force Post Office (APO) for Tan Son Nhut Air Base is APO San Francisco, 96307.

Military Assistance Advisory Group

Davis Station

On May 13, 1961, 92 units of the Army Security Unit, operating under the auspices of the 3rd Radio Research Unit (RRU 3), arrived at Tan Son Nhut AB and established a communications intelligence facility at an unused RVNAF warehouse at the base ( 10.81 Â ° F 106.649 Â ° E / 10.81; 106.649 ). This is the first full placement of US Army units to South Vietnam. On December 21, 1961, SP4 James T. Davis of the 3rd RRU operates a PRD-1 cellular receiver with an ARVN unit near C? U XÃÆ'¡ng when they were ambushed by VC and Davis dead, became one of the first Americans to be killed. in the Vietnam War. In early January 1962, the 3rd RRU compound at Tan Son Nhut was renamed to Davis Station.

On June 1, 1966, the 3rd RRU was redesigned by the Radio Research Group to 509. The 509th RR Group continued to operate until March 7, 1973, when they were among the last US unit to leave South Vietnam.

Tactical Control Group 507

At the end of September 1961, the first permanent USAF unit, the 507th Tactical Control Group from Shaw Air Force Station deployed sixty-seven officers and aviators to Tan Son Nhut to install MPS-11 searches and MPS-16 elevation search radar and begin monitoring air. traffic and training of RVNAF personnel to operate and serve equipment. The installation of the equipment began on 5 October 1961 and the unit would eventually grow to 314 assigned personnel. This organization forms the core of South Vietnam's tactical air control system.

Tactical Reconnaissance Mission

On October 18, 1961, four Voodoo RF-101C and photo-processing units of the 15th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron of the 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, based in Yokota AB Japan, arrived at Tan Son Nhut, with a reconnaissance ship carrying photography missions in Vietnam South. and Laos from October 20th under Operation Pipe Batang . RF-101 will depart in January 1962, leaving Detachment 1, the 15th tactical Reconnaissance Squadron to perform photo processing.

In March 1962, Skymaster C-54 installed for infrared reconnaissance arrived at the base and will remain here until February 1963, when it was replaced by Brave Bull C-97.

In December 1962 after the signing of the International Treaty on the Neutrality of Laos, which banned airborne surveillance of Laos, all 4 Able RF-101C were transferred to the base of Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base.

On April 13, 1963, the Reconnaissance Technical Squadron 13 was formed at the base to provide photo interpretation and targeting information.

After the Tonkin Gulf Incident on August 4, 1964, 6 additional RF-101Cs were deployed to the base.

The 67th TRW was soon followed by a detachment of the 15th Tactical Surveillance Squadron of the 18th Tactical Combat Wing, based in Kadena AB, Okinawa, which also flew the RF-101 surveillance missions over Laos and South Vietnam, first from the base at Udorn Royal Thai Air Base Force, Thailand from 31 March 1965 to 31 October 1967 and then from South Vietnam. This reconnaissance mission lasted from November 1961 to spring 1964.

RF-101C flew the pathfinder mission for the F-100 during Operation Flaming Dart, the first USAF attack against North Vietnam on February 8, 1965. They originally operated out of South Vietnam, but then flew most of their missions over North Vietnam out of Thailand. The bombing missions towards the North required the support of large-scale surveillance photography, and by the end of 1967, all but one of the RF-101C Tactical Air Force squadrons were deployed to Southeast Asia.

Voodoo reconnaissance at Tan Son Nhut was incorporated into the 460 Wing Tactical Reconnaissance in February 1966. 1 RF-101C was destroyed in a mine-seeking attack on Tan Son Nhut AB. The last 45 RF-101C TRS left Tan Son Nhut on November 16, 1970.

The need for additional reconnaissance assets, especially those capable of operating at night, led to the deployment of 2 Martin RB-57E reconnaissance aircraft Canberra Patricia Lynn from the 6091 Surveillance Squadron on May 7, 1963. The front nose section of the RB-57Es modified for a 36-inch 36-inch front-facing KA-1 camera and a low-panoramic KA-56 camera used on Lockheed U-2. Installed inside a specially-designed bomb bay door is a KA-1 vertical camera, a K-477 vertical integrated night-time camera, an infrared scanner, and a KA-1 left obif camera. The detachment flew a night surveillance mission to identify VC base camps, small arms factories, and storage and training areas. Patricia Lynn's operation was discontinued in mid-1971 with the inactivation of TRW 460 and four surviving aircraft returning to the United States.

On December 20, 1964, the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) established the Target Research Center and Research Center at the base as a MACV J-2 (Intelligence) unit to coordinate infrared surveillance of the Army and USAF.

On October 30, 1965, the first RF-4C Phantom IIs of the 16th Reconnaissance Tactical Squadron arrived at the base and on November 16 they began flying missions over Laos and North Vietnam.

Farm Gates

On October 11, 1961, President John F. Kennedy directed, at NSAM 104, that the Minister of Defense "introduced the Air Force's Squadron Jim 'Air Force to Vietnam for the initial purpose of training Vietnamese troops." The 4400 Team Crew Training Squad is to continue as a training mission and not for combat. This unit will be officially titled 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron, code named Farm Gate . In mid-November, the first 8 T-28 Gates arrived at the base of Clark Air Base. At the same time, Detachments 7 and 8, the 6009 Tactical Support Group was established at the base to support operations. On 20 May the detachment was redesigned Air Squadron Base 6220.

In February 1963, 4 night vision reconnaissance aircraft RB-26C joined the Gate of Agriculture at the base.

Tactical Air Control Center

Establishment of a nationwide tactical air control center is considered a priority for the effective utilization of limited RVNAF strike capabilities, in addition to air operations centers for air center operations and subordinate radar reporting centers are also required. From January 2-14, the 5th Tactical Control Group deployed to the base, operating on 13 January 1962.

In March 1963, MACV established a service and network center at the base to control all US military flights in South Vietnam.

Mule Train

On December 6, 1961, the Department of Defense ordered C-123 that equipped the 346 (Assault) Carrier Squadron to the Far East for 120 days for temporary duty. On January 2, 1962, the first of 16 C-123 landed at the base that started Operation Mule Train to provide logistical support to US and South Vietnamese troops.

In March 1962 personnel from the 776 Troop Forces Squadron, began to replace temporary duty personnel. 10 from C-123 based at Tan Son Nhut, 2 at Da Nang Air Base and 4 at Clark Air Base.

In April 1963, the 777 Carrying Squadron Squadron was equipped with 16 C-123 deployed to the base.

In July 1963, the squadron of the Mule Train at the base became the 309th and 310th Carrier Squadron assigned to the 315th Air Division.

Gross Thirty

Additional USAF personnel arrived at Tan Son Nhut in early 1962 after the RVNAF transfered two dozen experienced pilots from the 1st Transportation Group at Tan Son Nhut to provide aircrews for the newly activated Combat 2 Squadron then undergo training at Bien Hoa AB. The sudden loss of this qualified C-47 pilot brought transport capabilities to very low Transportation Group 1. To address this issue, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, on the recommendation of the Vietnam MAAG, ordered thirty USAF pilots to be temporarily assigned to the RVNAF to serve as a C-47 co-pilot. The entry of these US personnel quickly restored the 1st Transportation Group to full strength.

Unlike the USAF Gate of Agriculture personnel at Bien Hoa Air Base, the C-47 co-pilot actually became part of the RVNAF's operational structure - though still under US control. Due to their rather unusual situation, these pilots immediately adopted a very unofficial nickname, The Dirty Thirty . In a sense they were the first US airmen actually committed to fighting in Vietnam, rather than being assigned as advisers or support personnel. The original Pilot Dirty Thirty was eventually rotated in early 1963 and replaced by a second contingent of American pilots. This release remained with RVNAF until December 1963 when they were withdrawn from Vietnam.

50-th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron

Starting on March 21, 1962 under Project Water Glass and then under the Project Candy Machine, the Fighter-Interceptor Squadron 509 began rotating the F-102A Delta Dagger interceptors to Tan Son Nhut Air Base from Clark AB in rotation to provide air defense in the Saigon region in terms of North Vietnamese air raids. F-102 and TF-102 (two-seat trainer versions) were deployed to Tan Son Nhut initially because land radar sites often paint small aircraft that penetrate the airspace of South Vietnam.

F-102, a high-altitude supersonic aircraft interceptor designed to intercept Soviet bombers was given a mission of intercepting, identifying and, if necessary, destroying a small plane, flying from tree top level to 2000 ft at a speed less than the final landing speed. F-102. The TF-102, employing two pilots with one acting only as a radar intercept operator, is considered safer and more efficient as a low-altitude interceptor. T/F-102 will alternate with US Navy AD-5Qs. In May 1963 due to the density at the base and the low probability of air strikes T/F-102 and AD-5Q were withdrawn to Clark AB from which they could move to Tan Son Nhut on 12-24 hour notice.

After the Gulf of Tonkin incident, 6 F-102s from the 16th Combat Squadron were deployed to the base.

Before the rotation ended in July 1970, pilots and F-102 aircraft from other Far Eastern squadrons were used in deployment.

Rescue air

In January 1962, 5 USAF personnel from the Pacific Air Rescue Center were assigned to the base to establish a Search and Rescue Center, without having assigned aircraft, they depended on the support of US Army advisors in each of the four areas of the South Vietnamese military corps for use. US Army and Marine Corps helicopters. In April 1962 the unit was designated Detachment 3, Pacific Air Rescue Center.

On July 1, 1965, Detachment 3 redesigned the 38th Air Rescue Squadron and activated its headquarters at the base and organized to control search and rescue detachments operating from bases in Southern Vietnam and Thailand. Detachment 14, an operational base rescue element, was then established at the base.

On January 8, 1966, the Aerospace Recovery Group 3d was established at the base to control search and rescue operations throughout the theater.

On July 1, 1971 all 38 ARRs were disabled. The local base rescue helicopters and their crew then became the detachment of the parent unit, Rescue Group and Aerospace Recovery 3d.

In February 1973, the 3d Rescue and Rescue Group left Tan Son Nhut AB and moved to Royal Navy Police Base Nakhon Phanom.

Miscellaneous units

In April 1964, five EC-121D airborne early warning aircraft began to advance from the base.

In June 1964, Detachment 2, 421 Air Refueling Scheme equipped with KB-50 aircraft refueling aircraft deployed to the base to support the Yankee Team's operations on Laos.

In April 1965 a detachment of the 9th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron consisting of 4 RB-66B and 2 EB-66C arrived at the base. The RB-66Bs is equipped with night photos and infrared sensor equipment and embarked on a reconnaissance mission over South Vietnam, while the EB-66C began flying missions against North Vietnamese air defense radar. At the end of May, two more EB-66C arrived at the base and they were all then deployed to the Royal Thai Air Force Base.

In mid-May 1965, after the disaster in Bien Hoa, 10 surviving B-57 bombers were transferred to Tan Son Nhut AB and continued to fly on a small scale until a replacement aircraft arrived from Clark AB. In June 1965, B-57 was moved from Tan Son Nhut AB to Da Nang AB.

On October 8, 1965, the 20th Helicopter Squadron equipped with 14 CH-3 helicopters activated at the base, he moved to Nha Trang Air Base on June 15, 1966.

33rd Tactical Group

On July 8, 1963 the units at the base were organized as 33d Tactical Group, with their subordinate units being the 33rd Astronomical Air Squadron, the 33rd Consolidated Aircraft maintenance squadron and the Detachment 1 reconnaissance element. The Group's mission was to maintain and operate basic support facilities at Tan Son Nhut, supporting the 2d Air Division and the subordinate unit by conducting reconnaissance.

Tactical Air Control Group 505

The Tactical Air Control Group 505 was assigned to Tan Son Nhut on April 8, 1964. This unit is primarily responsible for controlling US tactical air resources and its allies in South Vietnam, Thailand, and to some extent Cambodia and Laos. Implementing the mission of providing tactical air support required two major components, radar installation and forward air controller (FACs).

Radar sites provide flight separation for attacks and transport planes taking the following flight forms and, in some cases controlled by the USAF Arms Director. FAC has an important task to tell the tactical fighters where to drop weapons. FAC is generally attached to US Army units or ARVN and is on duty both on land and in the air.

Squadrons of 505 located at Tan Son Nhut AB are:

  • 619 Tactical Control Squadron activated at base on April 8, 1964 Responsible for operating and maintaining air traffic control and radar direction search equipment for areas from the Mekong Delta to BuÃÆ''n Ma Thu? t in the Central Highlands with detachments at various smaller airfields throughout its operational area. It remained in operation until March 15, 1973.
  • 505 Squadron Maintenance Tactical Control

Close air support

After the introduction of US ground combat units in mid-1965, two F-100 squadrons were deployed to Tan Son Nhut AB to provide close air support for US ground forces:

  • 481 Tactical Combat Squadron, June 29, 1965 - January 1, 1966
  • 416 Tactical Combat Squadron, November 1, 1965 - June 15, 1966

The 481 returned to the United States; 416 back to Bien Hoa.

6250 Combat Support Group

However, the first tasks facing the USAF are to establish a workable organizational structure in the region, fixing an inadequate airstrip in the area, creating an efficient air transport system, and developing tools and techniques to support ground combat.

Beginning in 1965, the USAF adjusted its structure in Southeast Asia to absorb incoming units. The temporary deployed squadron became permanent in November. The wing structure replaces the group. On July 8, 1965, the 33d Tactical Group has redesigned the 6250 Combat Support Group.

The number of personnel at Tan Son Nhut AB increased from 7780 in early 1965 to over 15,000 by the end of the year, placing substantial demands for accommodation and basic infrastructure.

On November 14, 1965, the 4th Air Command Squadron equipped with 20 AC-47 Spooky rifles arrived at the base and was assigned to Group 6250. The aircraft was immediately deployed to continue the operation site at Binh Thuy, Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Pleiku Air Base. In May 1966, the 4th Air Command Squadron transferred its base to Nha Trang AB which was under the control of the 14th Air Command Wing.

460th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing

On February 18, 1966, the Tactical Spy 460 was activated. Its headquarters are shared with the Seventh Air Force Headquarters and the MACV. When standing, TRW 460, alone, is responsible for the entire surveillance mission, both visual and electronic, throughout the theater. On February 18, 1966, the wing started activities with 74 aircraft of various types. At the end of June 1966, that number rose to more than 200 aircraft. When TRW 460 stood, Wing acquired several flying units at Tan Son Nhut:

  • The 16th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron (RF-4C)
  • The 20th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron: November 12, 1965 - April 1, 1966 (RF-101C)
  • Detachment 1 of the Tactical Reconnaissance Wing 460

On October 15, 1966, the 460th TRW took over the wing responsibilities for Tan Son Nhut AB, including responsible for all depot level ground maintenance responsibilities for all USAF organizations in South Vietnam. In addition to reconnaissance operations, the 460th TFW base flight operates in-building transportation services for the Seventh Air Force and other senior commanders throughout South Vietnam. Basic flights operate T-39A Saberliners, VC-123B Providers (also known as "White Whale"), and U-3Bs between 1967 and 1971.

Photography reconnaissance

  • 45th Tactical Squadron Squadron: March 30, 1966 - December 31, 1970 (RF-101C Tail Code: AH)
  • 12th Tactical Squadron Squadron: September 2, 1966 - August 31, 1971 (RF-4C Tail Code: AC)

On September 18, 1966, the 432d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing was activated at Takhli Royal Air Force Base Thailand, Thailand. After TRW 432d was activated, he took over a reconnaissance squadron in Thailand. With the TRW 432d activation, TRW 460 is only responsible for RF-101 and RF-4C operations.

In 1970 the need to improve South East Asia coordinate data for targetting purposes led to the Loran-C-equipped RF-4C taking detailed photographs of target areas matched to the coordinates of Loran field features on the photo map to calculate exact coordinates. This information was converted into a computer program that in mid 1971 was used by the Reconnaissance Intelligence Technique Squadron 12 on base for targeting..

Electronic surveillance

A few months after TRW 460 activation, two squadrons were activated on 8 April 1966 as 460 TRW Det 2:

  • Tactical Electronic War Squadron 360: April 8, 1966 - August 31, 1971 (EC-47N/P/Q Tail Code: AJ)
  • Electronic War Squadron 361 Tactical: April 8, 1966 - August 31, 1971 (EC-47N/P/Q Tail Code: AL) (Nha Trang Air Base)
  • 362d Electronic Tactical Warfare Squadron: February 1, 1967 - August 31, 1971 (EC-47N/P/Q Tail Code: AN) (Pleiku Air Base)

Project Hawkeye performs radio search (RDF), whose primary target is a VC radio transmitter. Prior to this program, RDF involves tracking the signal in the field. Since this exposes the RDF team to ambush, both the US Army and the USAF begin to see RDF air. While the US Army uses U-6 Beaver and U-8 Seminole aircraft for its own version of the Hawkeye platform, USAF modified some C-47 Skytrain.

The Phyllis Ann project also uses C-47 modifications, however, the C-47 for this program is heavily modified with advanced navigation and reconnaissance equipment. On April 4, 1967, the Phyllis Ann project was changed to Kompas Dart . On April 1, 1968, Compass Dart became Cougar Combat . For security reasons, the operation name changes twice before to Combat Cross and then to Commando Forge .

The Drillpress project also uses C-47 modifications, listens for VC/PAVN traffic and collects intelligence data from it. This data provides insight into the plans and strategies of VC and PAVN. Information from these three projects contributed greatly to the intelligence picture of the battlefield in Vietnam. In fact about 95 percent of Light Arc's strikes conducted in South Vietnam are based, at least in part, on data from these three programs. On October 6, 1967, Drillpress changed to Sentinel Sara.

The US will strive to prevent this equipment from falling into the hands of the enemy, when the EC-47 of the TEWS 362d fell on April 22, 1970, members of the explosive weaponry unit oversaw the devastating areas of what they found and six F-100 tactical air strikes attacking the area to ensure.

The squadron's detachment operates from different locations, including bases in Thailand. Each of the main squadrons and their detachments moved at least once for operational and/or security reasons. Personnel operating RDF and signal intelligence equipment on the back of the modified EC-47 are part of the 6994 Security Squadron.

On June 1, 1969 the unit was transferred to TEWS Det 1 360.


When the Vietnamization program began, the Vietnamese crew began flying with the EC-47 crew of the 360th TEWS and 6994 SS, on May 8, 1971, to gain training on the operation of the aircraft and its systems. This wing was deactivated on the spot on 31 August 1971. The decorations given to the wings for the Vietnam War service include:

  • Statement of the Presidential Unit: 18 February 1966 - 30 June 1967; September 1, 1967 - July 1, 1968; July 11, 1968 - August 31, 1969; l February-31 March 1971.
  • Extraordinary Air Force Award with Combat Equipment "V": July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970; July 1, 1970 - June 30, 1971.
  • Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm: August 1, 1966 - August 31, 1971.

315th Air Commando Wing, Troop Carrier

In October 1962, there began to be known as the Southeast Asia Airlift System. Requirements are forecast to be 25 days, and these requirements are matched with available resources. In September 1962, the Headquarters of the 6492nd Cargo Group (Troop Carrier) and the 6493th Air Squadron were organized and attached to the 315th Air Division, based in Tachikawa AB. On December 8, 1962, the 315th Airborne Command Group (Troop Carrier) was activated in place of Combat Cargo Group 6492 and became responsible for all air freight in the country of South Vietnam, including control over all USAF airfreight assets. On the same date, the 8th Airport Squadron replaced the 6493th Air Squadron. The 315th Group was assigned to the 315th Air Division, but was under the operational control of MACV through the 2d Air Division.

On August 10, 1964 6 Australian Air Force Flight RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam DHC-4 Caribous arrived at the base and was assigned to the airlift system.

In October 1964, the 19th Air Command Squadron equipped with C-123 was established at the base and assigned to the 315th Peacekeepers Group.

On March 8, 1965, the 315th Army Force Group was redesigned by the 315th Airborne Command Group. The 315th Airborne Command Group was re-designated as Commander of the 315th Air Command on 8 March 1966.

The 315th ACW/TC Squadron is:

  • Air Squadron Commando 12 (Defoliasi), October 15, 1966 - September 30, 1970 (Bien Hoa) (UC-123 Provider)
  • Det 1, 834th Air Division, October 15, 1966 - December 1, 1971 (Tan Son Nhut) (C-130B Hercules)
  • The 19th Air Command Squadron 8 March 1966 - June 10, 1971 (Tan Son Nhut) (Provider C-123) (including 2 C-123 Royal Thai Air Force named Flight Victory )
  • Air Command Squadron 309 March 8, 1966 - July 31, 1970 (Phan Rang) (C-123)
  • 310th Air Commando Squadron March 8, 1966 - January 15, 1972 (Phan Rang) (C-123)
  • 311 Air Command Squadron March 8, 1966 - October 5, 1971 (Phan Rang) (C-123)
  • Det 1., HQ 315th Air Commando Wing, Troop Carrier August 1 - October 15, 1966
  • Det 5., Air Division HQ 315th (Combat Cargo) March 8 - October 15, 1966
  • Det 6., Air Division HQ 315th (Combat Cargo) March 8 - October 15, 1966)
  • 90th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron July 8, 1966
  • Flight Transportation RAAF, Vietnam (RTFV) March 8 - October 15, 1966

The unit also operates C-123 air transport operations in Vietnam. Operations include air movement of troops and cargo, incandescent flares, aeromedical evacuations, and critical supply droplets and parachuting forces

Hand Farm Operation

The 315th ACG is responsible for operating operations operations of Defoliant Hand Operations. After several modifications to the aircraft (which included adding armor for the crew), 3 C-123B Provider aircraft arrived at the base on 7th January 1962 under the code name of Ranch Hand .

The 315th ACW was transferred to Phan Rang Air Base on June 14, 1967.

834th Air Division

On October 15, 1966, the Air Division 834 was assigned without personnel or equipment, to Tan Son Nhut AB to join the Seventh Air Force, providing command and intermediate control organizations and also acting as the host unit for USAF troops at the base.

The 315th Air Command Wing and 8th Airborne Squadron were assigned to the 834 Division. Initially AD 834 had the power of twenty-seven officers and twenty-one aviators, all in permanent duty for Tan Son Nhut.

The Air Division serves as the sole manager for all tactical air transport operations in South Vietnam, using air transport to transport cargo and troops, which landed-air or air-dropped, as combat needs were determined through December 1971. The Air Division 834 became the largest tactical air force in this world. It is capable of performing various missions. In addition to transporting cargo and personnel as well as RVNAF training. Missions and activities include Hand Husbandry Insecticide defoliation and spraying, distribution of psychological leaflets, preparation of helicopter landing zones, airport survey and airport operations.

Directly controlled units are:

  • 315th Air Commando (then, 315th Special Operation; Airlift Tactical 31) Wing: October 15, 1966 - December 1, 1971)
Located at: Tan Son Nhut AB; then Phan Rang AB (June 15, 1967 - December 1, 1971) Provider UC-123. Consisting of four C-123 squadrons with augmentation by C-130 Hercules being transported from 315th Air Division, Tachikawa AB, Japan.
2 C-123 Squadrons (32 a/c) at Tan Son Nhut AB;
The assignment of C-130B aircraft was 23 aircraft on 1 November 1966
  • Trooper Carrier 483d (later, Airlift Tactical 483d) Wing: October 15, 1966 - December 1, 1971
  • 2d Air Port Group (Tan Son Nhut)
8th Air Squadron, Tan Son Nhut (16 detachments)
Detachments are located at various points where air freight activities guarantee a sustainable but sustainable air port service. Air port personnel loading, loading, and storing cargo and processing passengers at each location.

In addition, 834 supervised transport operations (mainly C-47) from RVNAF, 6 DHC-4 Wallaby transport are operated by the 35 RAAF Squadron in V? Ng TÃÆ' u Army Airfield and 2 transport units Republic of Korea Air Force C-46 Command from 29 July 1967, then replaced by C-54. The 834 flying component also performs defoliation missions, drops of propaganda leaflets, and other special missions.

The 834 received a Presidential Unit Excerpt recognizing their efforts during the Battle of Khe Sanh.

At the end of 1969 C Flight, a Special Operations Squadron 17 equipped with 5 AC-119G shoots deployed at the base. In the late 1970s, this flight will grow to 9 AC-119Gs to support operations in Cambodia.

Over the past few months, 834 has worked to pass control of fighter aircraft to the Seventh Air Force. On 1 December 1971 AD 834 was attenuated as part of the withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam.

377 Airbase Base

The 377th Air Base Wing was responsible for day-to-day operations and maintenance of the USAF facility section from April 1966 until the last USAF personnel withdrew from South Vietnam in March 1973. In addition, ABW 377 was responsible for housing. many tenant organizations including the Seventh Air Force, basic defense, and liaison with RVNAF.

In 1972, deactivating USAF units across South Vietnam began to assign units without equipment or personnel to ABW 377.

From Cam Ranh AB:

  • 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron: March 15, 1972 - February 23, 1973.

From Phan Rang AB:

  • 8th Special Operations Squadron: January 15 - October 25, 1972 (A-37)
  • The 9th Special Operations Squadron: January 21 - February 29, 1972 (C-47)
  • The 310th Tactical Airlift Squadron: January-June 1972 and March-October 1972 (C-123, C-7B)
  • Tactical Electronic War Squadron 360: February 1 - November 24, 1972 (EC-47N/P/Q)

All of these units are inactivated at Tan Son Nhut AB.

The operating location of the wing headquarters was established at Bien Hoa AB on April 14, 1972 to provide turnaround services for F-4 Phantom II from other organizations, mostly based in Thailand. It was replaced on 20 June 1972 by Detachment I of the 377th Wing base, which continued the F-4 turnaround service and added the A-7 Corsair IIs to the 354 Wing Fighter fighter placed at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand on October 30, 1972 The detachment operation continued until February 11, 1973.

The gradual 377th ABW for inactivation during February and March 1973, transferring many assets to RVNAF. When disabled on March 28, 1973, the Air Wing 377 was the last USAF unit in South Vietnam.

Rocket and mortar attack, during the Tet Offensive, Tan So… | Flickr

The post-1975 Vietnam Air Force Air Force uses

After the war, Tan Son Nhut Air Base was taken over as a base for the VPAF called TÃÆ'n n S? N Nh? T.

TÃÆ'Â ¢ n S? N Nh? T Airbase is the base of the 917th Mixed Air Transport Regiment (a.k.a. ng ThÃÆ'¡p Squadron) of the Air Force Division 370. The 917th Air Transport Regiment will be transferred to Can Tho International Airport in 2017


Accidents and incidents

  • October 25, 1967: F-105D Thunderchief # 59-1737 crashed into C-123K # 54-0667 when landing in bad weather. F-105 pilot killed and both aircraft destroyed.
  • October 11, 1969: AC-119G from the 17th Special Operations Squadron crashed shortly after takeoff. 6 crew members were killed and aircraft destroyed.
  • April 28, 1970: AC-119G from the 17th Special Operations Squadron crashed shortly after takeoff. 6 crew members were killed and aircraft destroyed.

Tan Son Nhut Airport | JPB Transportation

See also

  • Air Force of the Republic of Vietnam
  • United States Pacific Air Force
  • Seventh Air Force

Air Force Bases > National Museum of the US Air Force™ > Display


This article incorporates public domain material from the Air Force History Research Agency website

Tan Son Nhut Air Base | Flickr

Other sources

  • Endicott, Judy G. (1999) the wings of the Active Air Force as of 1 October 1995; USAF active flying, space, and missile squadrons as of 1 October 1995. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: Office of the Air Force History. CD-ROM.
  • Martin, Patrick (1994). Tail Code: Complete History of USAF Tactical Airplane Code Signs. History of Schiffer Military Flight. ISBNÃ, 0-88740-513-4.
  • Mesco, Jim (1987) VNAF Republic of Vietnam Air Force 1945-1975 Squadron/Signal Publication. ISBNÃ, 0-89747-193-8
  • Mikesh, Robert C. (2005) Flying Dragons: Air Force Republic of Vietnam. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. ISBNÃ, 0-7643-2158-7
  • USAF History Research Division/Organization History Branch - Fighter Wing 35th, Wing 366
  • VNAF - Air Force Republic of Vietnam 1951-1975
  • Aircraft Serial Number USAAS-USAAC-USAAF-USAF - 1908 to present
  • Airport information for VVTS in World Aero Data. Current data as of October 2006.


External links

  • 505 Tactical Control Group - Tactical Air Control in Vietnam and Thailand
  • C-130A 57-460 at the National Air And Space Museum
  • Tan Son Nhut Association
  • Electronic Warfare "Electric Goon" EC-47 Association
  • site
  • Defense Tan Son Nhut Air Base, January 31, 1968
  • The fall of Saigon
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-5A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-17A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-19A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-25A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-27A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-28A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive
  • Short film STAFF FILM REPORT 66-30A (1966) is available for free download on the Internet Archive

Source of the article : Wikipedia
