Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet related to the improvement of one's athletic performance. Nutrition is an important part of many sports training regimens, popular in strength sports (such as weight lifting and bodybuilding) and endurance sports (eg cycling, running, swimming, rowing). Sports Nutrition focuses the study on the type, as well as the quantity of fluids and foods taken by an athlete. In addition, it deals with the consumption of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic substances that include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

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Food supplements contain one or more foodstuffs (including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs or other herbs and other substances) or the elements are intended to be taken as pills, capsules, tablets, or liquids. Athletes may choose to consider taking dietary supplements to assist in improving their athletic performance. There are many other supplements out there that include performance enhancement supplements (steroids, blood doping, creatine, human growth hormone), energy supplements (caffeine), and supplements that help recovery (protein, BCAA).

Energy Supplements

Athletes sometimes switch to energy supplements to improve their ability to exercise more often. Common supplements to increase an athlete's energy include: Caffeine, Guarana, Vitamin B12, and Asian ginseng. Caffeine, a common energy supplement, can be found in various forms such as pills, tablets or capsules, and can also be found in common foods, such as coffee and tea. Caffeine is used to increase energy and increase metabolism. Guarana is another supplement that athletes need to improve their athletic ability, often used to lose weight and as an energy supplement.

A 2009 study from the University of Texas reported that caffeinated energy drinks decreased exercise performance. They found that after drinking an energy drink, 83% of participants increased their physical activity parameters by an average of 4.7%. This is associated with the effects of caffeine, sucrose and vitamin B in beverages - but scientific consensus does not support the efficacy of using Vitamin B as a performance enhancer. To explain the performance improvement the authors reported elevated levels of epinephrine in the blood, norepinephrine and beta-endorphin. The antagonism of the adenosine receptor from caffeine accounts for the first two, while the second is accounted for by the neurobiological effects of physical exercise.

Caffeine has been around since the 1900s and became popularly used in the 1970s when the strength of masking fatigue became highly recognized. Similarly, the caffeine found in energy and coffee drinks shows improved reaction performance and a feeling of energy, focus and alertness in rapid anaerobic power tests and reactions. In other words, consuming energy drinks or any drinks with caffeine increases short time/fast exercise performance (such as short-speed sprints and lifting heavy weights). Caffeine is chemically similar to adenosine, a type of sugar that helps in the regulation of important body processes, including the firing of neurotransmitters. Caffeine takes the place of adenosine in your brain, attaching itself to the same neural receptors that are affected by adenosine, and causing your neurons to shoot faster, then the effect of stimulating caffeine.

Recovery Supplements

Common supplements to help athletes recover from exercise, including protein and amino acid supplements. The main uses for athletes to take food proteins are for hormones, oxygen transport, cell repair, enzymes and conversion to fuel. Protein intake is part of the nutritional requirements for normal athletes and is an essential component of exercise. In addition, it helps in performance and recovery. Food protein intake for well-trained athletes should be done before, during, and after physical activity because it is advantageous in obtaining muscle mass and strength. However, if too much protein and supplemental amino acids are consumed it can be more harmful to the body than beneficial; Health risks include: dehydration, gout, loss of calcium, liver, kidney damage, diarrhea, bloating, and water loss. Abundant protein diets should be paired with a healthy, thorough meal plan and regular endurance exercises. The characteristics of this particular diet include the type of exercise, the intensity, duration and the carbohydrate value of the diet. The most effective way to secure the natural nutrients your body needs for optimal health and physiological performance is to take your vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, sugars and carbohydrates, which can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Post-sports nutrition is an important factor in nutrition plans for athletes as it relates to body recovery. Traditionally, sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade are consumed during and after exercise because they effectively rehydrate the body by filling the body's fuel with minerals and electrolytes. Electrolytes regulate the body's nerves and muscle functions, blood pH, blood pressure, and rebuilding damaged tissue. This type of drink is generally made of glucose and sucrose in water and has been seen to improve the performance of football players.

A sports drink replacement is milk, which contains lots of electrolytes, nutrients, and other elements that help make it an effective post-sport drink. It is true that milk helps replace fluids and electrolytes that disappear after athletes succeed. Recovery drinks should replace lost sugars, and help restore muscles to exercise with full intensity when they exercise. When compared to water or sports drinks, research shows that chocolate milk is more effective in replacing lost fluids through sweat and maintaining normal body fluid levels. Athletes who drink chocolate milk after exercise-induced dehydration have a fluid level of about 2 percent higher (in early body mass) than those who use other post-sports recovery drinks. These results allow for long-standing performance, especially in repetitive exercise or training.

Performance-enhancing Supplements

In extreme cases of performance-enhancing supplements, athletes, especially bodybuilders may choose to use illegal substances such as anabolic steroids. These compounds are related to the hormone testosterone, can quickly build up mass and strength, but have many adverse effects such as high blood pressure and negative gender-specific effects. Blood doping, another illegal ergogenic, was discovered in 1940 when used by a World War II pilot. Blood doping is also known as blood transfusion, increasing oxygen delivery to sports tissues and has been shown to improve performance in endurance sports, such as long-distance cycling.

Supplements, Creatine, can help for trained athletes to improve exercise performance and strength in relation to their dietary regimen. Glutamine content, found in whey fiber supplements, is the most abundant free amino acid found in the human body. It is considered that glutamine may have a possible role in stimulating anabolic processes such as muscle glycogen and protein synthesis, for well-trained and well-trained athletes. Other popular studies conducted on supplements include androstenedione, chromium, and ephedra. The findings suggest that there is no great benefit from the additional intake of these supplements, but the risks and health costs are higher.

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Factors that affect nutritional requirements

Different conditions and goals indicate the need for athletes to ensure that their sports nutrition approach is appropriate for their situation. Factors that may affect an athlete's nutritional needs include activity types (aerobic vs. anaerobic), sex, weight, height, body mass index, exercise or activity stage (pre-exercise, intro training, recovery), and time of day (eg some nutrients used by the body are more effective during sleep than when awake). The main causes that hinder performance are fatigue, injury and pain. Proper diet will reduce disruption in performance. The key to a proper diet is to get a variety of foods, and to consume all the necessary macro nutrients, vitamins and minerals. According to Eblere (2008) article, it is ideal to choose raw foods, such as unprocessed foods such as oranges instead of orange juice. Eating natural foods means athletes get the most nutritional value from food. When food is processed, nutritional value is usually reduced.

Anaerobic exercises

During anaerobic exercise, the process of glycolysis breaks down sugar from carbohydrates into energy without using oxygen. This type of exercise occurs in physical activity such as power sprints, power resistance and rapid explosive movements in which muscles are used for strength and speed, with the use of short-term energy. After this type of exercise, there is a need to recharge the glycogen stores in the body (long simple sugar chains in the body that store energy), although they may not be fully exhausted.

To compensate for this reduction of glycogen, athletes will often take a lot of carbohydrates, soon after exercise. Usually, carbohydrates with high glycemic index are preferred because of their ability to rapidly increase blood glucose levels. For the purpose of protein synthesis, individual proteins or amino acids are ingested as well. Branch amino acids are important because they are most responsible for protein synthesis. According to Lemon et al. (1995) women endurance runners have the hardest time getting enough protein in their diets. Endurance athletes generally require more protein in their diet than inactive people. Studies have shown that endurance athletes are recommended to have 1.2 to 1.4 g protein per kg of body weight to repair damaged tissue. If athletes consume too few calories for the body's needs, lean tissue will be broken down for energy and repairs. Lack of protein can cause many problems like early and extreme fatigue, especially long-term recovery, and poor wound healing. Complete proteins such as meat, eggs, and soy provide athletes with all essential amino acids to synthesize new tissues. However, vegetarian and vegan athletes often combine legumes with whole grains to provide the body with complete protein throughout the day's dietary intake. Popular combinations are rice and beans.

Spada's research on endurance sports nutrition (2000) and from which carbohydrate derived will be explained. He suggests that carbohydrates are not processed and/or whole grains for optimal performance during training. These carbohydrates offer the most fuel, nutritional value, and satiety. Fruits and vegetables provide an important carbohydrate foundation for an athlete's diet. They provide vitamins and minerals that are lost through exercise and then need to be refilled. Fruits and vegetables increase healing, aid recovery, and reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and constipation. Vegetables offer more nutritional value than fruits for the number of calories, so an athlete should try to eat more vegetables than fruits. Dark vegetables usually have more nutritional value than pale ones. (Add info) The general rule is that the darker the color the more nutrient it becomes. Like all foods, it is important to have variety. To get the most nutritional value from fruits and vegetables, it is important to eat them in their natural unprocessed form without added nutrients (sugar).

Often in the course of this anaerobic exercise, the product of this metabolic mechanism is formed in what is called lactic acid fermentation. Lactate is produced faster than it releases and serves to regenerate NAD cells where needed. During intense exercise when oxygen is not used, large amounts of ATP are produced and the pH level decreases causing acidosis or more specifically lactic acidosis. The formation of lactic acid can be treated by staying hydrated well throughout and especially after exercise, having an efficient routine cooling and good post-workout stretching.

Intense activity can cause significant and permanent damage to body tissues. To improve, vitamin E and other antioxidants are needed to protect muscle damage. Damage to oxidation and damage to muscle tissue occurs during endurance so that athletes need to eat high-protein foods to improve muscle tissue. It is important for women's endurance runners to consume proper nutrition in their diet that will improve, refuel, and minimize fatigue and injury. To keep the female body runners do their best, ten nutrients should be included in their diet.

Infographic: Raising the Bar on Sports Nutrition

See also

  • Category: Food supplements
  • Energy bar
  • Protein
  • Sports drinks
  • Multivitamins
  • Bodybuilding
  • Bodybuilding Supplements
  • High protein diet
  • Sports nutritionist

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External links

  • Association of International Sports Nutrition
  • Sports Nutrition Journal
  • Tips for good hydration during physical activity
  • Nutrition for Athletes of all ages, contains many good links.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
