A lie is a statement used intentionally for fraudulent purposes. The practice of communicating a lie is called lying , and the person who communicates a lie can be called a liar . Lies can be used to serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individual who uses them. Generally, the term "lie" carries a negative connotation, and depending on the context of the person communicating the lie may be subject to social, legal, religious or criminal sanctions.
Video Lie
A barefaced (or bald-faced) lie is one that is clearly a lie to those who hear it. "Bold-faced" can also refer to misleading or inaccurate headlines, but this use seems to be a more recent allocation of terms.
A big lie that tries to deceive the victim into believing something big is likely to conflict with some information that the victim already has, or by their common sense. When the lie is large enough, it may work, because the reluctance of the victim to believe that such a large-scale untruth will indeed be fabricated.
To bluff is to pretend to have a capability or purpose that is not actually owned. Bluffing is an act of fraud that is rarely seen as immoral when it occurs in the context of a game, like poker, where such deception is previously agreed by the players. For example, a gambler who deceives other players by thinking he has a card different from what he actually holds, or an athlete who suggests he will move to the left and then dodge from the right is not considered lying (also known as hoax or juke). In this situation, fraud is acceptable and is generally expected as a tactic.
Nonsense does not have to be a complete fabrication. While the lie is related to a speaker who believes what is being said wrong, the nonsense is offered by a speaker who does not care whether what is said is true because the speaker is more concerned with giving some impression to the listener. Thus nonsense can be true or false, but it shows a lack of attention to truth that tends to lead to falsehood.
A cover-up can be used to deny, defend or obscure a person's fault (or an ally or group) of someone's embarrassing person, actions or lifestyle, and/or the lie of someone they created earlier. A person may deny a lie made on a previous occasion, or one may alternately claim that the previous lie is not as frequent as it actually is. For example, to claim that the premeditated lie is really "just" an emergency lie, or to claim that the lie of yourself is really "just" a white lie or a noble lie. Not to be confused with the confirmation bias in which the fraudsters deceive themselves.
Defamation is a fraudulent statement communication that damages a person's reputation, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation. Other types of defamation avenge baseless criticism.
To deflect is to avoid the subject that the lie is about, not paying attention to the lie. When attention is given to the subject, lies are based around, deflectors ignore or refuse to respond. A skilled deflector is a passive-aggressive person, who when confronted with a subject chooses to ignore and not respond.
Disinformation is false or misleading misleading information that spreads in a calculated way to deceive the target audience.
An overload occurs when the most basic aspect of a statement is true, but only to some extent. It is also seen as "stretching the truth" or making things appear stronger, meaningful, or real than they really are. Saying that a person devours most things when they eat only half would be considered excessive. The exaggeration can easily be found as a hyperbole in which a person's statement (ie in an informal speech, such as "He does this as a million times!") Is meant not to be taken literally.
Fake news is a type of yellow journalism that consists of deliberate information or lies that spread through printed and broadcast media of traditional or online social media.
A fib is a lie that is deemed easy to forgive for rolling around trivial matters, such as a child babbling that the family dog ​​broke the vase, when in fact the child deliberately broke it.
Fraud refers to the action of encouraging others or others to trust lies to gain material or financial gain for liars. Depending on the context, cheating can make a liar as a civil or criminal punishment.
A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes several elements of truth. The statement may be partially true, the statement may be completely true but only part of the whole truth, or it may use some deceitful elements, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the aim is to deceive, avoid, blame or misrepresent.
An honest bona fide (or confabulation) can be identified by statements or verbal actions that inaccurately portray the history, background, and current situation. Generally there is no intention to give wrong information and individuals are not aware that their information is wrong. Because of this, technically there is no lie at all because by definition, there must be an intention to deceive that statement is considered a lie.
Jocose lies is a lie meant in jest, intended to be understood by all parties present. Tempting and irony are examples. A more elaborate example is seen in some storytelling traditions, where the storyteller's rumor that his story is absolute truth, despite all the contrary evidence (ie, high tale), is considered funny. There is a debate about whether this is a "real" lie, and different philosophers have different views. The Crick Crack Club in London organizes the annual "Grand Lying Contest" with the winner who is awarded the desired "Hodja Cup" (called Mulla Nasreddin: "Truth is something I have never spoken." ). The winner in 2010 was Hugh Lupton. In the United States, Burlington Liars' Club gives an annual title to the "Wild World Champion."
Lie-to-children is a phrase that explains a simplified explanation of a technical or complex subject as a method of teaching for children and laypeople. This phrase has been incorporated by academics in the fields of biology, evolution, bioinformatics, and social sciences. Media usage has been extended to publications including Conversations and Forbes .
Lying with negligence, also known as continuous erroneous or quote mining, occurs when an important fact is left to encourage misunderstandings. Lying with negligence includes failure to correct a pre-existing misunderstanding. For example, when a car seller claims to have been serviced on a regular basis but does not advise that errors are reported on the last service, the seller is lying in negligence. It can be compared to simulated. An omission is when one says most of the truth, but leaves behind some key facts which therefore completely alter the story.
Lying in trading occurs when a seller of a product or service can advertise an incorrect fact about a product or service to gain sales, especially with a competitive advantage. Many countries and states have enacted consumer protection laws intended to combat such fraud. Examples are the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act that make the seller responsible for the negligence of any material fact that relies on the buyer.
A memory hole is a mechanism for alteration or removal of uncomfortable or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts, or other notes, such as from websites or other archives, primarily as part of an attempt to give the impression that something is not never happened.
Minimizing is the opposite of exaggeration. This is a type of fraud that involves rejection coupled with rationalization in situations where full rejection does not make sense.
A noble lie, which can also be called strategic imperfection, is one that usually causes discord if found, but offers some benefit to liars and helps in an orderly society, therefore, potentially beneficial to others.. It is often said to maintain law, order and security.
In psychiatry, pathological lie (also called compulsive lie, pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a habitual or compulsive lying behavior. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. While this is a controversial topic, pathological lies have been defined as "wholly disproportionate counterfeits to every visible end, may be extensive and very complicated, and can manifest for several years or even a lifetime." Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth, unaware that they associate fantasies.
Perjury is an act of lying or making a proven false statement of material under oath or affirmation in court, or in any sworn statement in writing. The jury is a crime, because the witness has sworn to tell the truth and, in order for the court's credibility to remain intact, the witness's testimony should be relied upon as truth.
A polite lie is a lie required by a courtesy standard, and which is usually known to be false by both parties. Whether such lies are acceptable depends heavily on culture. A common polite lie in international ethics is to refuse an invitation because of "scheduling difficulties". Likewise, butler lying is a small lie that is usually sent electronically, and is used to end a conversation or to save face. For example, sending an SMS to someone who says "I have to go, the waitress is here", when you are not in the restaurant is an example of butler lie lie.
Puffery is an exaggerated claim commonly found in advertisements and publicity announcements, such as "highest quality with lowest price", or "always choose for everyone's best interest". Such statements can not be true - but can not be proved wrong and thus do not violate trade laws, especially since consumers are expected to say that they are not absolute truths.
The phrase " speaking with a forked tongue" means deliberately saying one thing and means another or, being hypocritical, or acting by duplicating. In the old tradition of many Native American tribes, "speaking with tongue" means lying, and a person is no longer deemed worthy of trust, once he is proved "talking with a forked tongue." This phrase was also adopted by Americans around the time of the Revolution, and can be found in abundant references from the early nineteenth century - often reporting to American officers seeking to convince tribal leaders with whom they negotiated that they "talked straight and not with tongue-like "(as for example, President Andrew Jackson told Creek Nation in 1829). According to an account of 1859, the original saying that "white men speak with tongues" originated as a result of the French tactics of the 1690s, in their war with Iroquois, invited their enemies to attend the Peace Conference, only slaughtered or captured.
The word weasel is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating the impression that specific and/or meaningful statements have been made, when in fact only ambiguous or ambiguous claims are communicated, allowing the specific meaning to be denied if the statement is challenged. A more formal term is a pretext.
White lies are small lies that can be considered harmless, or even profitable, in the long term. White lies are also considered to be used for the greater good. White lies are often used to protect a person from painful or emotionally destructive truths, especially when not knowing the truth is really harmless.
Maps Lie
Once lies are told, there can be two alternative consequences: they can be found or remain undiscovered. In some circumstances, discovery of lies may discredit other statements by the same speaker and may cause social or legal sanctions against the speaker, such as ostracism or confidence for perjury. When lies are found, the state of the liar's mind and behavior is unpredictable.
Hannah Arendt speaks about the extraordinary case in which the whole society is lied consistently. He says that the consequence of such a lie is "do not you believe in lies, but that no one believes anything anymore, it is because lies, in essence, must be changed, and the lying government keeps rewriting its own history. , You not only get one lie - a lie you can continue for the rest of your days - but you get a lot of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. "
The question of whether lies can be detected properly through nonverbal means is the subject of some controversy.
Polygraph machine "lie detector" measures the physiological stress the subject has in a number of actions when he or she gives a statement or answers questions. Nails in stress are recognized to show lies. The accuracy of this method is widely debated, and in some cases it is well known to have been deceived. Nevertheless, it is still used in many areas, especially as a method for generating job recognition or screening. Polygraph results are not accepted as court evidence and are generally regarded as pseudoscience.
A new study found that lying takes longer than telling the truth, and thus the time to answer questions can be used as a method of lie detection. However, it has also been shown that instant answers can be evidence of prepared lies. The only compromise is to try to surprise the victim and find the middle answer, not too fast, or too long.
Aristotle believes there is no general rule about possible lies, because anyone who advocates lying will never be trusted, he said. Philosophy of St. St. Augustine, also St. Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant, cursed everyone who lied. However, Thomas Aquinas also has an argument for lying. According to all three, there is no circumstance in which a person can ethically lie. Even if the only way to protect oneself is to lie, it has never been ethically permitted to lie even in the face of murder, torture, or other difficulties. Each of these philosophers provides several arguments against lies, all compatible with each other. Among the more important arguments are:
- Lying is a deviation from natural speech, the natural end is communicating the speaker's mind.
- When one lies, one undermines trust in society.
Meanwhile, utilitarian philosophers have supported a lie that achieved good results - white lies. In his 2008 book How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right for Time, Iain King suggests credible rules about possible lies, and defines them as: "Deceiving only if you can change behavior by way of more value than trust which you will lose, is a scam found (whether the actual fraud is affected or not). "
In Man, All Too Human , philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that those who refrain from lying can do so simply because of the difficulty in maintaining lies. This is consistent with the general philosophy of dividing (or ranking) people by force and ability; thus, some people tell the truth only because of weakness.
In other species
The capacity to lie has also been claimed to be possessed by non-humans in language studies with great apes. In one instance, Koko gorilla, when asked who tore the sink from the wall, pointed to one of his handlers and then laughed. The deceptive body language, such as misleading tricks about the intended direction of attack or escape, is observed in many species including wolves. A mother bird deceives while pretending to have a broken wing to distract from the perceived predator - including the unconscious man - from the eggs in the nest itself, the main one being the killdeer.
In culture
Cultural reference
- Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio is a wooden doll that often causes problems with its tendency to lie. His nose grows with every lie; therefore, long noses have become caricature caricatures.
- The famous anecdote by Parson Weems claims that George Washington once cut a cherry tree with an ax when he was a child. His father asked who cut the cherry tree and Washington confessed his crime with the words: "I'm sorry, dad, I can not lie."
- The Wriggling Boy Wolf , a fairy tale attributed to Aesop about a boy who continues to be a wolf is coming. When the wolf appears, no one believes it anymore.
- Saying the Truth is the originator of the game show genre with 3 contestants who claim to be the only ones.
- Glenn Kessler, a journalist at The Washington Post, awarded one to four Pinocchios to politicians at his Washington Post Fact Checker blog.
The clichÃÆ'Â © "All fair in love and war" finds justification for the lies used to gain profit in this situation. Sun Tzu stated that "All wars are based on deception." Machiavelli suggests in The Prince "never try to win by force what can be won by deception", and Thomas Hobbes writes in Leviathan: "In warfare, strength and deceit are two cardinal virtues. "
- The concept of a memory hole was first popularized by the dystopian novel George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the Party's Truth Ministry systematically re-created all potential historical documents, essentially-writing all history to match the often changing state propaganda. This change is complete and undetectable.
- In the movie Big Fat Liar, the story producer Marty Wolf (a famous and proud liar) steals stories from Jason Shepard's students, tells of a character whose lies get out of control to the point where every lie he says causing him to grow in size. In Liar Wild film, Fletcher Reede's lawyer (Jim Carrey) can not lie for 24 hours, because his son's wishes miraculously come true.
- In the 1985 movie Max Headroom , the title character commented that one can always tell when a politician is lying because "their lips move." This joke has been repeated many times and is repeated.
- Larry-Boy! And Fib from Outer Space! is the story of a super-violent hero with a super-suction ears, having to stop the aliens who call themselves "Fib" from destroying Bumblyburg town because of the lies that caused Fib to grow up. Telling truth is moral for this story.
- Lying to me , a TV series based on behavioral analyst who reads lies through facial expressions and body language. The protagonists, Dr. Cal Lightman and Dr. Gillian Foster is based on Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. Maureen O'Sullivan mentioned above.
- The Invention of Lying is a 2009 movie that illustrates the fictional invention of the first lie, starring Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe, and Tina Fey.
- Baron Munchausen's Adventure tells the story of an 18th-century baron who tells exorbitant and unbelievable stories that he thinks are true.
- In his games Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V , there is an agency named FIB, a parody of FBI , which is known to cover stories, work with criminals, and extract information by using lies.
The capacity to lie is a universal human talent. The most frequently quoted milestone, what is known as Machiavellian intelligence, is at the age of about four and a half years, when children begin to lie convincingly. Before this, they seemed unable to understand why others did not see the same view of the events they were doing - and seemed to assume that there was only one point of view, which was their own.
The theory of evolution put forward by Darwin states that only the strongest will survive and lie, we aim to improve the perception of others about our social image and our general status, abilities, and desires. Research has shown that humans start lying in their teenage years, through crying and laughing, to get attention. Scientific studies also show a gender difference in lying.
Although men and women lie on the same frequency, men are more likely to lie to please themselves while women are more likely to lie to please others. We are individuals who live in a world of competition and strict social norms, where we can use lies and deceit to increase our chances of survival and reproduction. Stereotypically, men love to exaggerate about their sexual skills but shy away from topics that degrade them while women downplay their sexual skills to make themselves more honorable and faithful in the eyes of men and avoid being labeled as 'red ladies'.
Those with Parkinson's disease show difficulties in deceiving others, the difficulties associated with prefrontal hypometabolism. This shows the relationship between capacity for dishonesty and the integrity of prefrontal functions. Pseudologia fantastica is a term used by psychiatrists for habitual or compulsive lying behavior. Mythomania is a condition in which there is an excessive or abnormal tendency to lie and exaggerate. A new study found that lying takes longer than telling the truth. Or, as Chief Joseph said succinctly, "It does not take many words to tell the truth."
Some people believe they are convincing liars, but in many cases they are not.
Religious perspectives
It is suspected that some belief systems may feel cheated. Leo Tolstoy is cited as describing religious institutions as "deceptive products [and] situated for a good cause".
In the Bible
The Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible both contain the statement that God can not lie and lie immoral (Num 23:19, Hab. 2: 3, Hebrews 6: 13-18). However, there are examples from God who purposely cause the enemy to be confused and confused, to give victory (2 Thessalonians 2:11; 1 Kings 22:23; Ezekiel 14: 9);
The various parts of the exchange of biblical features that declare lies are immoral and false (Prov 6: 16-19, Ps. 5: 6), (Proverbs 19: 11, Proverbs 14: 5, Proverbs 30: 6, Zeph 3 : 13), (Isaiah 28:15, Dan 11:27), most famous, in the Ten Commandments: "Do not utter false witness" (Exodus 20: 2-17; Deuteronomy 5: 6) -21); Ex. 23: 1; Matt. 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20 specific reference to false oaths.
Other sections present a descriptive (non-prescriptive) interpretation in which lies are performed in extreme circumstances involving life and death. However, most Christian philosophers would argue that lying is never acceptable, but even those who are righteous in God's eyes sometimes sin. Old Testament records about lying include:
- Midwives lie about their inability to kill Israeli children. (Exodus 1: 15-21).
- Rahab lied to the king of Jericho about hiding the Hebrew spies (Josh 2: 4-5) and was not killed with those who were disobedient because of his faith (Hebrews 11:31).
- Abraham instructed his wife, Sarah, to mislead the Egyptians and say that he was his sister (Gen 12:10). The story of Abraham is absolutely true - Sarah is her half brother - but deliberately misleading because it was designed to lead the Egyptians to believe that Sarah was not Abraham's wife because Abraham feared that they would kill him to take him, because he was so beautiful.
In the New Testament, Jesus refers to Satan as the father of lies (John 8:44) and Paul commands the Christian to "Do not lie to one another" (Col. 3: 9; cf. Im 19:11). On the Day of Judgment, unrepentant liars will be punished in a lake of fire. (Revelation 21: 8; 21:27).
Augustine taxonomy
Augustine of Hippo wrote two books about lying: On Lying ( De Mendacio ) and Against Lying ( Contra Mendacio ). He explains each book in his final work, Retract . Based on the location of De Mendacio in Retractions , it appears to have been written around 395 AD. The first job, On Lying , starts: "Magna quÃÆ'Â|stio est de Mendacio" ("There is a good question about Lying"). From the text, it can be concluded that Saint Augustine is divided into eight categories, listed in decreasing order of severity:
- Lies in religious teaching
- Lying is harmful to others and does not help anyone
- Lying that harms others and helps someone
- Lies is told for lying pleasure
- Lies told "please someone else in subtle discourse"
- Lying that does not harm anyone and it helps someone materially
- Lying that does not harm anyone and it helps someone spiritually
- Lying that does not harm anyone and that protects a person from "defilements"
Though distinguishing between lies according to their external severity, Augustine maintains in both treatises that all lies, which are properly defined as external communication of what is not internally held are true, categorically sinful and therefore are not ethically permitted.
Augustine wrote that lies are told in jokes, or by someone who believes or deceives lies to be true not, in fact, lies.
In paganism
In GestaÃÆ'¾ÃÆ'¡ttr , one of the pieces in Eddaic poetry HÃÆ'¡vamÃÆ'¡l , Odin states that it is advisable, when dealing with "false enemies who lie", to lie to self.
In Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrian teaches that there are two forces in the universe; Asha, which is truth, order and what is real, and Druj, which is "Lies". Later Lie becomes personified as Angra Mainyu, a figure similar to the Christian Devil, who is portrayed as the eternal opponent of Ahura Mazda (God).
Herodotus, in his 5th century BC record of the Persian population in Pontus, reported that the Persian youth, from the fifth to the twentieth year, were instructed in three ways - "horseback, drawing bows, and telling the truth." He further notes that: "The most embarrassing thing in the world [Persia] think, is lie, the next worst, owe: because, among other reasons, the debtor is obliged to lie."
In the Persian Achaemenid, lies,
Darius Agung who placed "good rules" during his reign. Darius's testimony of his constant battle against the Lies was found in the Behistun Inscription. He testified: "I am not a follower of lies, I am not a perpetrator of error... According to the truth I am doing myself, either to the weak or to the ruler, I make mistakes: The person who works with my house, as well as injured, he was condemned me well. "
He asked Ahuramazda, God, to protect the country from "the hostile (army), from the famine, from the Lies".
Darius had a hands full deal with a large-scale uprising that broke out throughout the empire. After successfully battling nine traitors in one year, Darius recorded his battle against them for their offspring and told us how it was the lie that made them rebel against the empire. On the Behistun inscription, Darius said:
- I beat them and imprisoned the nine kings. One is Gaumata by name, a Magian; he lies; so he said: I am Smerdis, the son of Cyrus... One, Acina by name, Elamite; he lies; so he said: I am king in Elam... One, Nidintu-Bel by name, a Babylonian; he lies; So he said, 'I am Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus.'... The Lie makes them rebel, so these people are deceiving people.
Source of the article : Wikipedia