Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

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8+ certificate of attendance | primary write

A attendance certificate (also a certificate of participation or a completion certificate ) is an official document proving class attendance, language courses or training courses.

While it may improve the prospects for professional promotion, this type of certificate is not a credential because it does not provide proof of learning, that is, no knowledge is assessed before the certificate is issued.

Video Certificate of attendance

United States

In the United States and Canada, attendance certificates are certificates granted to students completing a K-12 program (kindergarten through grade 12) but are not eligible for a secondary school diploma or modified diploma.

Students who completed grade 12 but did not get enough credits, did not complete all the core courses, did not pass the required tests or did not meet the goals outlined in their individual courses will still be recognized in the graduation ceremony; they will walk across the stage with hats and dresses, and will look like graduates. Instead of receiving a diploma, however, they will receive a certificate of attendance. Some students are encouraged to return to school either full year or longer (and then graduate whenever they are done) to make their credit, pass the necessary tests or fulfill their goals, and eventually get a regular or modified diploma. Some alternative courses allow students to complete within half a year provided they meet certain requirements.

Some schools do not allow these students to participate in graduation ceremonies. This is controversial because some students feel that the social benefits of graduation are important.

Certification of completion

After completing a university or university certificate program, students generally receive a completion certificate or a certificate of achievement , not a degree or diploma. Candidates enrolled in the institution as full or part-time students may be able to transfer this certificate to an undergraduate program at another institution.

Students with disabilities who complete the required Individual Education Program but do not meet the requirements of a secondary school diploma who completed grade 12 may also be granted a completion certificate .

Maps Certificate of attendance


Certificate Of Attendance Template For Achievement Graduation ...


  • Jacob, Brian A.; "Increasingly Difficult? The Impact of High School Graduation Exam"; Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis ; v. 23, n. 2, p. 99-121 (Summer 2001)
  • Cameron, S. V. & amp; Heckman, J. J., "The Nonequivalence of High School Equivalents"; Journal of Labor Economics ; v. 11, n. 1, pt. 1, p. 1-? (1993)

Certification | Deafault

Further reading

Source of the article : Wikipedia
