Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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Faculty Viewpoint: Here's How Homeschooling is Changing in America ...

Homeschooling is legal in many countries. Countries with the most common home education movements include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Some countries have highly regulated home education programs as an extension of the compulsory school system; others, like Germany, have banned it completely. In other countries, although not limited by law, homeschooling is not socially acceptable or is considered undesirable and almost non-existent.

Video Homeschooling international status and statistics

Homeschooling status table


North America

Latin America and the Caribbean




Maps Homeschooling international status and statistics

Legality by country



Status: Legal

Homeschooling is currently permitted in Kenya.

However, homeschooling freedom is under threat in Kenya, as new educational laws have been proposed that do not make allowance for homeschooling.

South Africa

Status: Legal

During apartheid, education in illegal homes in South Africa. Andre's parents and Bokkie Meintjies were jailed in 1994 - (this is Mandela's elected year as President of South Africa), and their children are placed in separate orphanages while parents are imprisoned in prison facilities that are very far from each other and children. children to prevent family contact, as they educate their children at home. However, a few years later, the Mandela government legalized home education with the publication of the South African School Act in 1996. Since its legalization, homeschooling has the fastest growing educational model in the country.

Homeschooling is legal under South African national law, but each province has the authority to set their own boundaries. SA Schools Act requires parents to register their children for home education. In practice, however, most provincial departments do not have the administrative capacity to enroll children for home education. Some larger provincial departments have limited administrative capacity to enroll children for home education and lack of follow-up capacity, resulting in serious miscommunication between government and citizens. Unfortunately officials in the department have limited understanding of home education and home education laws due to lack of training and government censorship that constantly censor information and data received from educated and experienced citizens and professionals in the homeschooling sphere. Because of this, these officials often ask parents to meet all sorts of requirements that are not regulated by law. As a result of this situation, more than 90% of homeschooling parents do not register with the department.


Status: Legal

There is no law on homeschooling in Argentina. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child (ren) gets an adequate education.


Status: Illegal

Enrollment in schools in Brazil is mandatory for people aged 4-17 years. There are currently proposals to evaluate Homeschooling in Brazil (Projeto de Lei 3179/12) and previous proposals have been rejected in 2008 (Projeto de Lei 3518/08).

A married couple, a Brazilian mother and an American father, were investigated in 2010 by the city government of Serra Negra, SÃÆ' Â £ o Paulo, to homeschool their children. The local authorities were informed by an anonymous source because the couple's two daughters were not in school. The Ministry of Public expects to reach an agreement with the family to enroll the children in formal schools.


Status: Legal

About 1% to 2% of North American children are home schooled, covering about 60,000 in Canada. Back in 1995, Meighan estimated the total number of homeschoolers in Canada, to 10,000 officially and 20,000 unofficial. Karl M. Bunday estimates, in 1995, based on journalistic reports, that about 1 percent of school-age children who study at home. In April 2005, the total number of homeschool students enrolled in British Columbia was 3 068. In Manitoba, homeschoolers were required to apply to Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. The number of homeschoolers was recorded over 1500 in 2006; 0.5% of students enrolled in the public system.

United States

Status: Legal

In "The Condition of Education 2000-2009," the National Center for Education Statistics from the US Department of Education reported that in 2007, the number of home-study students was about 1.5 million, up from 850,000 in 1999 and 1.1 million in 2003. The percentage of school-age population who went to school at home increased from 1.7 percent in 1999 to 2.9 percent in 2007. The increase in the percentage of home-studying students from 1999 to 2007 represented a 74 percent relative increase over a period of 8 year and a 42 percent relative increase since 2003. The US Department of Education estimates that 3.4 percent of children between the ages of 4 and 17 who study at home in 2012, representing 1.77 million students. In 2007, the majority of home-study students received all their education at home (84 percent), but some attended school for up to 25 hours per week. Today, many also participate in homeschooling cooperatives as well as utilizing the resources of private tutors and college-based programs, allowing students to earn college credit before college.


People's Republic of China

Status: Considered illegal for citizens without consent, but without limitation for foreign students.

Under Chinese education law children are required to enroll in the school system from the age of seven and attend for nine years. There are no special rules for home-schooling, although it can be allowed to be approved as a non-governmental organization. Regardless of its legal status, some parents in China choose to go to school at home for reasons including dissatisfaction with a test-oriented public school and a desire to personalize their children's education. There are no official figures for home-schooling, although one survey found that 18,000 children receive home-schooling in the People's Republic of China, while an education policy researcher at Beijing Normal University estimates the portion of students receiving home-schooling is less than one percent. In 2017, a survey found about 6,000 families educating their children's homes, an annual increase of about 33%. Officials are divided into home-schooling handling, with many legal and other supporters supporting interesting students to return to the regular school system. Education experts generally support home schools, but call for the creation of national standards.

Hong Kong
Status: Legal

Homeschooling in Hong Kong is not against the law. This has been confirmed by the previous Secretary of Stake from the Education Bureau, Cherry Tse Ling Kit Ching and also raised by Board Member Dennis Kwok at the Legislative Council meeting. EDB treats homeschooling on a case-by-case basis. However, many people in Hong Kong think homeschooling is illegal in Hong Kong, so few people are taught at home.

Source: (September 10, 2015)


Status: Legal

In India, under the Right to Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), the Government has established an independent body to oversee the Home Schooling system. In fact, open school systems where students can study anywhere and appear for exams conducted by NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling). 0.5 million receive admission every year. 2.71 million admission tickets for the last 5 years through Open Schooling of Indian Govt. (MHRD)


Status: Legal

Homeschooling in Indonesia (English: Home Education ) is organized under the National Education System 2003 under the informal education division. This allows Homeschooling children to attend the same National Exam to get "Equal Certificate". Homeschooling has recently become a trend in middle to upper class families with highly educated parents with the ability to provide better tutoring or foreign families living away from International Schools. Since 2007 the Indonesian Ministry of National Education has been working to provide Training for Tutors and Homeschooling Learning Media although the existence of this community is still being debated by other non formal education operators. school.


Status: Legal

Under the compulsory Japanese system, nine years of regular education is guaranteed for children between the ages of six and 15. Parents or guardians have an obligation under the School Education Act [* Gakko Kyoiku-Ho *] in Japan to see that schoolchildren. But there is no legal provision directed at the children themselves, stating that children must attend school to get an education. In other words, the School Education Act only addresses parental responsibilities, and not the child's own decision about the place of learning. Therefore, if a child does not fit the school or if a child does not like school, other ways to learn outside school can be done.

Even so, there are many people in the community who believe that children are asked to go to school and there are many cases where the education council has no understanding of what homeschooling is about. So we still see cases, depending on the local area or district, interference by the education board in an effort to get the children to go to school.

Source: Q.7

Chinese Republic (Taiwan)

Status: Legal

Homeschooling in Taiwan, the Republic of China is legally recognized since 1982 and is organized as a special form of education possible since 1997.


Status: Legal

Homeschooling is usually severely constrained by misunderstandings of the Area-Based Officers concerned as they only work for schools in Rules & amp; Different rules for a long time. Currently (BE2016), the Homeschooling Network of Thai Alternative Education Council Association (Non-Profit Organization) is linked together across the country to help parents enroll as follows National Education Act and also work with the National Commission on Human Rights of Thailand to protect parents. In addition, online communication can promote the right of parents to choose appropriate education for their children as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Ã,: ICESCR says, especially for the Homeschool Concept.


Status: Illegal

In the Republic of Turkey, all children are required to enroll in public or private schools to conform to the National Education Basic Act (No. 1739, 06-14-1973, Article 22). Distance education is also available through Turkey's national television channel. Through this special option, students go to certain test sites and take exams based on what they have learned. In Turkey, parents who fail to send their children to school are accused of being criminals, who may at times lead to their detention. Due to the legal limitations above, Turkish parents face many difficulties in pursuing homeschooling for their children.



Status: Legal

Unlike in Germany, homeschooling is legal in Austria. However, every child who is home-study is required to take an exam per year, to ensure that he is educated at the appropriate level. If the child fails the test, he or she should attend school the following year.


Status: Legal

Unlike in the Netherlands, homeschooling is legal in Belgium and is considered a constitutional right. Children should be registered as educated people at home. In the French Community of Belgium, they were tested on 8, 10, 12, and 14.

The tests are still new and there is still a lot of confusion on the tests and legal situations around them. In Flanders, part of a Dutch-speaking country, children must be enrolled for exams before the age of 12. If parents fail to do so, the child is asked to go to school. Those enrolled must pass a special exam at the age of 13 and 15. If they fail in either of these exams twice, parents should enroll their child in a certified school.


Status: Illegal

Home education was legal in Croatia in 1874 when Croatian law states that parents have an obligation to educate their children at home or by sending them to school. The child must pass the exam at public school at the end of each academic year.

Basic education in Croatia is mandatory from the age of six to fifteen and that includes eight classes.

In September 2010 a religious organization Hrvatska kr ?? anska koalicija (Croatian Christian Coalition) submitted a proposal to change the law so home education would become legal in Croatia. Civil Organization Obrazovanje na drugi na? In (Other Education Path) joins and is now working on its own proposal.

The proposed model is based on home education models in Slovenia and Montenegro. Children are required to enroll in a local school (public or private) and pass the annual exams in certain subjects (mother tongue and math only in lower classes, with the addition of foreign languages ​​in the middle class and more subjects in the higher classes). If the child does not pass all the exams in two attempts, it is instructed to continue education with the presence of a regular school. Every year parents should tell the school by the end of May that they will educate their child at home.

As in the case of Slovenia and Montenegro, the proposed model does not impose limits on who can educate at home. Parents who educate their children at home are not eligible to receive any state assistance. Schools are free to choose whether they will allow special arrangements with home-educated children (schools, use of school resources, participation in field visits and other school activities, etc.). The Department of Education and schools are not required to provide any kind of assistance to parents of home-educated children (teacher guides, worksheets, consultations, etc.).

The proposed model is chosen because it requires minimal changes to existing law and will be possible to apply within the current educational framework. The Croatian Constitution, in Article 63 paragraph 1, states that parents have an obligation to school their children. Similarly, in Article 65, paragraph 1, states that primary school school is compulsory and free. It is deeply embedded in Croatian culture that education can not happen without going to school.

In July 2011, there were three alternative elementary schools in Croatia - one Montessori school and two Steiner Waldorf schools. Alternative schools in Croatia are required to follow the national curriculum (Article 26 paragraph 1, Article 30).

Czech Republic

Status: Legal

The Department of Education began an experiment on 1 September 1998 in which home education was made a legal alternative for students in the first five years of primary school. In 2004 home education, referred to as Individual Education, is enshrined in the Education Act for children in that age group. On September 1, 2007, a new experiment began allowing home education for children up to grade 9.


Status: Legal

It follows from Ã, § 76 in the Danish constitution that homeschooling is legal.


Status: Legal

In Finland, homeschooling is legal but unusual (400-600 children), which is different from Sweden, where homeschooling is more limited. Parents are responsible for children who receive compulsory education and progress is overseen by the local municipality. Parents have the same freedom to create their own curriculum because the municipality has a school, just the principles of the national curriculum guidelines to be followed.

Choosing homeschooling means that the municipality is not obligated to offer school books, school health care, free lunches or any other privileges prescribed by law on basic education, but the education ministry warns that they may be offered. Parents should be informed about the consequences of choice and arrangement should be discussed.


Status: Legal

Home education is legal in France and requires the child to be registered with two authorities, 'Inspection of Acadà ©  © mique' and local town hall (Mairie). Children between the ages of 6 and 16 must undergo an annual examination.

Every other two years, social welfare, mandated by the mayor, verifies the reasons the family home educates and controls that the training provided is consistent with the child's health. Parents will also undergo an annual inspection if they teach children between the ages of 6 and 16. Two unsatisfactory results from this examination may mean that parents should send their children to a public school.

While homeschooling parents are free to teach their children in whatever way they like, children have to master the seven key competencies of a common ground of competence at the end of legal obligations (age 16). The main competencies are:

  • French written and oral
  • Mathematics/basic science and technology
  • At least one foreign language
  • History, geography & amp; France, Europe, and the World; Art
  • Computer science
  • Social and civic competence
  • Initiatives and autonomy

Children who study at home should also show that they can:

  • Ask a question
  • Create deductions from their own observations and documents
  • Unable to reason
  • Generate ideas, be creative, and generate jobs so
  • Use computer
  • Use resources wisely
  • Risk evaluation

French organizations involved in homeschooling include Kids First, LAIA (Free for Learning and Teaching Others), CISE (Choosing to Instruct Someone's Children) and Get Out of the Wall.


Status: Illegal

Homeschooling is illegal in Germany with rare exceptions. The presence of schools must have existed since 1918. The requirement to attend school has been upheld, on the challenges of parents, by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. Parents who violate the law are primarily or most prominent are Christians who seek a more religious education than those offered by schools. Sanctions against these parents include a fine of thousands of euros, a successful legal action to remove children from parental detention, and imprisonment. It is estimated that 600 to 1,000 German children study at home, despite its illegality. Meanwhile, homeschooling is legal in Austria and Switzerland.

In a legal case beginning in 2003 at the European Court of Human Rights, homeschooling parents argue their children that the presence of compulsory German schools jeopardizes the religious education of their children, promotes teaching inconsistent with their Christian faith - notably mandate The German state relates to sex education in schools - and contradicts the declaration in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter that "States will respect the right of parents to ensure education and instruction in accordance with their own religious and philosophical beliefs".

In September 2006, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the German ban on homeschooling, stating "parents should not refuse... [mandatory schools] on the basis of their beliefs", and add that the right to education "calls for regulation by country". The European Court takes the position that plaintiffs are children, not their parents, and states "children can not predict the consequences of their parent's decision to home education because of their young age.... Schools represent the community, and that is the interests of the children to be part of the community.The right of parents to educate does not go so far as to remove their children from that experience. "

The European Court supports a "cautious" judgment of a German court of "public interest in society to avoid the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical beliefs and the importance of integrating minorities into society."

In January 2010, a US immigration judge granted asylum to a German homeschooling family, apparently based on this prohibition for homeschooling. In April 2013, a US appeals court ruling rejected this and refused an asylum request, arguing that German law applies to every resident, and does not mention any particular religious group for persecution. The March 2013 petition to grant full and permanent legal status to the family received a White House reply in August 2013 without comment on a legal case. In March 2014, the Supreme Court refused to hear family appeal, but the Department of Homeland Security provided unrestricted status of deferred family actions, allowing them to remain in the United States. In February 2015, a bill was introduced that would allow up to 500 grants of asylum per fiscal year for families escaping home school abuse.

Operations by special agents in 2013 sparked interest in global news outlets. The incident involved the Wunderlich Family in Darmstadt who, despite previous incidents, resumed homeschooling. Special agents forcibly removed and confiscated four children from their homes and ordered parents of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich to attend the trial. Michael Farris of the House Law School Protection Association condemned the operation, calling it "outrageous action by naughty nations."

12 The tribe is a religious group that insists schooling at home and has been in conflict with the authorities. On September 5, 2013, German police raided two communities and transferred 40 children to protect them from alleged further abuse. An investigative TV report has documented systematic child abuse in the 100-strong community in Bavaria, including "a continuous beating of the most trivial offenses". A few days later, the German media reported the disappearance of about ten school-age children from the small town of Dolchau. Perhaps they have been taken to a farm belonging to 12 Tribes in the Czech Republic to avoid intervention by the authorities that will ensure their public school.


Status: Illegal

Education is compulsory for children aged 6 to 15, with 6 years of primary school and 3 years of secondary school education.


Status: Legal

The Hungarian law (Article 45, Act CXC of 2011) allows homeschool children to teach their children as private students at home as long as they generally follow the state curriculum and ask the children to review it twice a year. Children studying at home must still be enrolled in public schools where the examination takes place, although parents may request independent examination boards. Homeschooling is more often requested for children with poor health or serious illness, who can not attend school. When homeschooling is requested, the principal should seek advice from a local child protection service or a local government notary if homeschooling will be detrimental to the child.


Status: Generally Illegal

Homeschooling is legal only if home teachers have a teaching degree.

Republic of Ireland

Status: Legal

From 2004 to 2006, 225 children have been officially registered with the National Education Welfare Council of the Republic of Ireland, which estimates there may be more than 1,500-2,000 unregistered homeschooled children. The right to home education is guaranteed by the Irish Constitution.


Status: Legal

In Italy, homeschooling (called Istruzione Familiare in Italian) is legal by the Constitution: parents or designated agents must prove to have technical and economic ability to teach their children. Children who study at home must pass the annual exam if and when the child wants to enter the public school system. Schools are required to expire when they come of age with their 18th birthday, although students over 16 years, with the consent of parents, may choose to workplace instructions. There is no mandatory central registration for homeschool children in Italy and therefore no official representation, and democratically elected, representative and supporters of homeschooling.


Status: Generally Illegal

In the Netherlands, homeschooling is not a recognized form of education and every child is subject to compulsory education from his fifth birthday, with the exception of:

  • the child (physically/mentally) is not eligible for school education (5736 children in 2016-2017),
  • parents have reservations about (religion/philosophy) direction of education in all schools with appropriate education at a reasonable distance from home (813 children in 2016-2017),
  • children are enrolled and regularly visit foreign schools (8928 children in 2016-2017)

Many in the first group and all in the second group attend school at home. Until 1969 homeschooling was a recognized form of education.


Status: Legal

Homeschooling is legal. The municipality is responsible for checking that the homeschooling curriculum is "the same as" the public school, but the legal words are vague and do not say how this should be done. Therefore, every municipality does different things. Some municipalities assist parents by providing funds for educational materials, while other cities make it a child protection issue.


Status: Legal

Homeschooling is only permitted on highly regulated terms. Every child must be enrolled in school (in 2009, schools do not need public schools). Principals may, but are not required, allow the homeschooling of certain children. Children who study at home are required to pass an annual exam covering the materials in the school curriculum, and failure in the exam automatically terminates the homeschooling permit.


Status: Legal

Homeschooling is legal. However, not many people choose the option to go to school at home, mainly because they do not know about their choice.


Status: Legal

The number of homeschoolers in Russia has increased threefold since 1994 to about 1 million. There are at least two forms of education that look like homeschooling. "Family education": homeschool children attached to state licensed schools where they are allowed to participate in laboratory work and extracurricular activities, can use teacher support and school libraries and conduct tests and exams in each subject. The local authorities are obliged to pay money to parents, but there are no special requirements. Official exams, usually annual, while ("?????????????????????"), even online ones, are mandatory at least on the 4th and 9th grades. Many children complete the 9-year curriculum in less than 3 years. There is a hybrid form of education, when a child can attend his or her chosen classes and the rest of the subjects themselves.


Status: Legal

Home education ( slo. izobra? Evanje na domu) is legal in Slovenia since 1996. The law on home education has not changed since then. This is almost identical to the Montenegrin home education model. According to the Slovenian Ministry of Education, it is based on the Danish home education model.

The school age must begin at 6 and lasts for nine years (page 18 (8666) Article 45). Home-educated children are required to apply to local (public or private) schools and pass the annual exams in certain subjects (mother tongue and math only in lower classes, with the addition of foreign languages ​​in the middle class and more subjects in the classroom higher, Page 22 (8670) Article 90). If the child does not pass all the exams in two attempts, it is instructed to continue education with the presence of a regular school. Every year parents should tell the school before starting the new school year that they will educate their child at home.

There are no special requirements for parents who want to go home educating their children. Parents not eligible for any form of state assistance or are the schools needed to provide any assistance. Schools are free to choose (often they do) whether they will allow special arrangements with home-trained children (schools, use of school resources, participation in field visits and other school activities, etc.). The Department of Education and schools are not required to provide any kind of assistance to parents of home-educated children (teacher guides, worksheets, consultations, etc.).

In the school year 2010/2011 97 children have been educated at home.

As of July 2011 there is no organized home education group in Slovenia.

Slovak Republic

Status: Legal

Homeschooling is legal with obstacles in the Slovak Republic. Child teachers are required to have a degree with a major in primary education. But homeschooling is limited to the first four years of primary education.


Status: Illegal

In Spain, homeschooling is in a vacuum. On the one hand in Article 27 of the Spanish Constitution speaks of compulsive education (not schooling), the freedom of teaching and the right of parents to choose their children's education according to their personal, moral and religious convictions. On the other hand, Spanish educational law speaks of the presence of compulsive schools for all children between the ages of 6 and 16. (Section 4.2 of the Organic Law on Education 2/2006, 3 May).

In 2010, a family went to the front of the Spanish Constitutional Court to declare that the Spanish educational law was incompatible with the parental rights granted by the Constitution and therefore violated the law. The decision made by the Constitutional Court confirms that the current educational law is in fact the interpretation of Constitutional law with the result that since 2010 school attendance is effectively considered obligatory in Spain for all children 6-16 (STC 133/2010, 2 December) However , The Constitutional Court also affirmed that the Constitution is merely talking about compulsive education and that changes in the law to make homeschooling a legal alternative to regular school attendance would be a possible and legitimate option for the future.

In 2009, the local government in Catalonia has changed its educational laws so that now under section 55 "education without attendance to school" is the right choice. But the rights setting has not been developed. As a regional law, it can not be contrary to the educational laws passed by the national parliament. Therefore, the recently revamped Catalan law can only refer to students who have special needs or for other reasons can not attend school regularly so they can fulfill their educational rights. (Section 3.9 of the Organic Law on Education 2/2006).


Status: Almost illegal

In Sweden, children are required to attend school from the age of 6. In 2010 Sweden passed a law (SFS 2010: 800) which added further restrictions on homeschooling against the previous law passed in 1985. Homeschooling is only allowed for certain specific reasons such as for children of parents who work temporarily in the country. Homeschooling will not be approved based on religious beliefs or philosophical reasons, nor is there an automatic agreement if parents have teacher training. Recent court cases have supported this restriction on parents.

The case of detainee Domenic Johansson has been cited as an example of difficulty in accepting licenses.

In 2009, a child named Domenic Johansson was taken from his parents (Christer Johansson, a Swedish citizen, and Annie Johansson, originally from India) when they were on Turkish Air Flight 990, waiting for departure to the mother country of India. Domenic was taken into custody by Swedish police because of a report on home-studying children. His parents opted for Domenic's homeschool because they would leave the country later that year and because he was only seven months old a few months before moving on. The Johanssons reported that the Education Minister had approved homeschooling, but local officials had refused to give them educational material and fined them for each day. Domenic did not attend the local school. In June 2012, the Gotland district court ruled that Johanssons must defend the rights of their parents over Domenic, which was later annulled by the appeals court.


Status: Legal

Unlike in Germany, homeschooling is legal in Switzerland. Requirements vary from Canton to Canton. About 200 - 500 families are currently homeschooled.


Status: Disputed

The House Law School Protection Association claims that homeschooling is legal and expressly authorized in the Ukrainian Education Act, but local authorities do not always agree.

Homeschooling is mentioned quickly in the Law of Ukraine on Education , article 59:

Parents and substitutes are required to assist children to obtain education at an educational institution or to provide them with a full home education in accordance with the requirements for content, level and scope.

United Kingdom

Status: Legally Official (England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own educational laws with little variation on homeschooling.)

Homeschooling is legal in the UK. Parents are legally required to ensure that their children receive "an efficient, time-efficient education based on their age, abilities and talents, and... for whatever special educational needs they may have, whether by regular attendance at school or on the contrary. "Parents do not need to notify local authorities that they are studying at home.

A report commissioned by the British government in 2009 found that the council realized about 20,000 children who studied at home, but the actual number could be over 80,000. A study by the BBC in 2018 found that the council realized 48,000 children who were studying at home in 2016/7.



Status: Legal

The Australian Census does not track homeschooling families, but Philip Strange of the Home Education Association, Inc. very roughly estimated 15,000. In 1995, Roland Meighan of Nottingham School of Education estimated about 20,000 homeschooling families in Australia.

In 2006, Victoria passed a law requiring registration of children up to the age of 16 and increasing school age to 16 from the previous 15, doing home education (enrollment is optional for those aged 16-17 but strongly recommended). The Victorian Qualification Entry and Qualification Agency (VRQA) is the enrollment body.

New Zealand

Status: Legal

As of July 2011, there were 6,517 homeschool students enrolled in the Ministry of Education. This is an increase of 23.6% since 1998. On 1 July 2013, there were 5,521 homeschooled students recorded in the Homeschooling database of the Department of Education. These students belong to 2,789 families and represent 0.7% of total school enrollment on 1 July 2013. Of 5,521 65% homeschoolers are aged 12 or under, 66% have been home schooled for less than 5 years, and only 4 % have been educated at home for 10 years or more.

Homeschooling international status and statistics Wikipedia ...

See also

  • The Law Office School Defense Association
  • The School House Education Association

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
